Nuclear powered grow


Well-Known Member
that would be absofrigginlutely AWESOME... id do some horribly illegal things with that sucker LOL


Well-Known Member
What a ridiculous idea. Lets give More people access to refined nuclear materials.....

Why not have a mini nuclear reactor on every block!

And yeah, I pay 6c/kwh off the grid.....waste of money.

Even if the army starts using them, its just another target that can cause a lot more damage.

......I wonder how many Billions were Wasted designing this crap.



Well-Known Member
think about it though...If the town has a power outage you are more than covered...i think its a good idea...think about it...have your own power...or warhead....hahahhaha


Well-Known Member
how much will one of these things cost !?

I bet it would be just the same amount, as a life time supply of electricty ?



Well-Known Member
how much will one of these things cost !?

I bet it would be just the same amount, as a life time supply of electricty ?

Yep, then to top it off, the running cost of the damn thing is 40c/kwh...

You get to pay Billions of dollars to be able to be off the grid and pay 40c/kwh :wall:

This is just going to create more unregulated nuclear waste. Chances are not everyone who is using these things would pay the ridiculous price to properly dispose of the waste.

What they need to invest in is more efficient solar and wind generators.



Well-Known Member
To me it doesn't sound like it is a nuclear reactor. So no nuclear waste to worry about. Maybe I am way out in left feild sence I really don't know anything about these things, but thats the way it reads to me.

Unlike traditional nuclear reactors the new micro reactor uses no control rods to initiate the reaction. The new revolutionary technology uses reservoirs of liquid lithium-6, an isotope that is effective at absorbing neutrons. The Lithium-6 reservoirs are connected to a vertical tube that fits into the reactor core.


Active Member
To me it doesn't sound like it is a nuclear reactor. So no nuclear waste to worry about. Maybe I am way out in left feild sence I really don't know anything about these things, but thats the way it reads to me.
It's a safer design that fails in a safe way. 40c/kwh was a typo also.

You are all worried about potential harms from nuclear. Every day we all suffer the harms of other forms of power creation. Polution from fossil fuels, wars from them etc.

Nuclear also has the benefit of creating a hydrogen economy with the spare power created. Not only does this give you all of the power you would need but at night it makes hydrogen gas that could power your car/boat/anything.


Well-Known Member
They are freaking out about nuclear material being available all over the place for terrorists to take advantage of.

I agree this must actually be non nuclear or no government would allow it to exist or be sold or used. The company that supposedly makes it would not have invested the money to design and build them if they did have nuclear material in the traditional sense that could be harmful.

I think it's a hoax or not nuclear at all as they say it is.


Well-Known Member
The source of power is an isotope Lithium-6

"Lithium-6 is valued as a source material for tritium production and as a neutron absorber in nuclear fusion. Natural lithium contains about 7.5 percent lithium-6. Large amounts of lithium-6 have been isotopically fractionated for use in nuclear weapons."

Something about public access to lithium-6 just doesnt seem right to me....

Even a dirty bomb could have fallout lasting months or even years.



Well-Known Member
Its no wonder some of the new technology never hits the streets, all you worry warts turning into the pleasure police. BLAH BLAH BLAH easy target, someones gonna blow one up, are we a little paranoid?

Fucking think about it would ya, 200kw Power any fucking where for 40 years in a 6'x20' package, that could probably be made MOBILE if need be, if it has not already. Out in my pole barn, I could have enough power to run damn near a city, for 40 years. Talk about the possibilities. It would be awsome for some of the remote areas such as the North or South pole, or on the ocean bottom. It could make life possible in areas that previously needed to be connected in some way shape or form. Think about it.....Other planets, space stations, and ships.

Welcome to my motherfucking nuclear powered millennium Falcon


Well-Known Member
Its no wonder some of the new technology never hits the streets, all you worry warts turning into the pleasure police. BLAH BLAH BLAH easy target, someones gonna blow one up, are we a little paranoid?

Fucking think about it would ya, 200kw Power any fucking where for 40 years in a 6'x20' package, that could probably be made MOBILE if need be, if it has not already. Out in my pole barn, I could have enough power to run damn near a city, for 40 years. Talk about the possibilities. It would be awsome for some of the remote areas such as the North or South pole, or on the ocean bottom. It could make life possible in areas that previously needed to be connected in some way shape or form. Think about it.....Other planets, space stations, and ships.

Welcome to my motherfucking nuclear powered millennium Falcon

The thing your leaving out here is, after the MASSIVE initial cost to buy the damn thing, To run the thing it still works out to 40c/kwH for electricity.

Why not spend all that money you would be wasting on your mini nuclear generator, and run a power line from the nearest hydro company, and pay 5-20c/ kwh on the grid....

Its not the bomb factor, its the unregulated nuclear waste. How many of the people running these things are gonna actually spend the money to dispose of the nuclear waste properly?

They run on Lithium-6 A nuclear Isotope used for weapons, so anyone who wants to make a nuclear dirty bomb can just order a refill for his "nuclear generator"

Im sure they could find a use for the things, but just think about how many hundreds of Billions of dollars went into designing this thing. What if someone spent all that money designing better solar panels, or wind generators, something that actaully usefull here and now.
Or invest money making some of the current solar/wind gernerators cheaper, and more accessable to regular people.

New ideas are not always the answer, sometimes we just need go look back and make some of our old ideas better.



Active Member
The thing your leaving out here is, after the MASSIVE initial cost to buy the damn thing, To run the thing it still works out to 40c/kwH for electricity.
40c was a typo. It's 5c.

Why not spend all that money you would be wasting on your mini nuclear generator, and run a power line from the nearest hydro company
Why waste all the money on infrastructure when it can be generated locally. Also, not all alternative energy sources are as stable as hydro (i.e. solar goes out at night). Also, what are the impacts of the dam?

Its not the bomb factor, its the unregulated nuclear waste. How many of the people running these things are gonna actually spend the money to dispose of the nuclear waste properly?

They run on Lithium-6 A nuclear Isotope used for weapons, so anyone who wants to make a nuclear dirty bomb can just order a refill for his "nuclear generator"
You make it sound like refills will be down at the supermarket with the razor blades. I would imagine that since they need to be recharged once per 40 years it would be feasible to send out even some armed guards with the maintenance crews. You can't imagine they will let you work on your own nuclear reactor.

There is a big difference between nuclear material and weapons grade material. This is why it's such a bid deal for arab countries trying to get nuclear refining technology right now, they could make weapons with it. The point being, this isn't something that you can do in your back yard.

Im sure they could find a use for the things, but just think about how many hundreds of Billions of dollars went into designing this thing. What if someone spent all that money designing better solar panels, or wind generators, something that actaully usefull here and now.
Or invest money making some of the current solar/wind gernerators cheaper, and more accessable to regular people.

New ideas are not always the answer, sometimes we just need go look back and make some of our old ideas better.

I think that negative attitudes about nuclear have really hurt us. The initial plants had faults. Now it's safe. France gets 87.5% of it's power from nuclear. Instead we are burning coal here that puts pollution into the air that we all breath. This is a technology that could solve our problems right now. And it's been around long enough to be cheap.

Solar/wind/tides/etc are all great. I've lived more of my life on solar power than on the grid. However, this was not by choice, but due to location. If grid power had been available, I would have taken it immediately. They all require some type of energy storage which is where things get difficult. Something that constantly generates enough power is much better.

They are using a remote community in Alaska as the test site for a 10mw version of these. Check it out:

If you go to toshiba's presentation about it they talk about the 100's of millions of barrels of diesel that are burned in remote places for power. For example, the ice for the fishing industry in Alaska costs more than the product. Why burn all those fossil fuels when you could have a mini-nuke onsite. If you read about them the nuke part is in a secure bunker way underground. All that comes above ground is steam to drive a turbine.