Novice Medicator, Professional Hempster

Hello to you all of the R.I.U. universal realm of the internet.

"I am Matthew". I am not a grower, I am not a marijuana enthusiast, nor do I dabble in the land that is filled with pipes, pieces, and papers. I am simply, a fan, an activist of this universal plant, a supporter of its potential for this international society that we all are apart of.

As many of you know, this plant is more than just a medicinal product used for healing or used as a recreationalpleasure, but it also holds within her deep fibers of existence the power and potential for environmental positives and industrial technologies that will benefit our generation today, and many that will follow in our footsteps, naturally.

With that being said, I only hope to meet like-minded individuals who are passionate about the natural realm in which we are apart of, fellow enthusiasts who will share with me, as I too intend to share with you what I know and discover of this counter-culture of living harmonistically* among the land. I want this to be an awesome experience for us all, for the betterment of this society as a whole. I thank you for reading, I thank the creator's of this site and please, lets be friends.

Stay creative, and Creator bless you all.


New Member
Welcome,you sound good. you remind me of a man,when i lived in mountains,with the wild. he talk about the wonders of this wonder plant,always, natural person,live off land, do wild srooms every day, kool man,mean good. yep this plant still mystery to science, it holds so many answers to problems today. good luck on yor journey.