Novice Hempy Grow


Morning all, started my first grow a cple of days ago. Set up is TWO of the following :

1200 x 1200 x 1800 Tent
5 " filter extraction
passive intake
6 " fan circulation
1kw oil heater and thermostatic plug

EDIT : Lights are 2 x 135w Led UFO ( 3w chip, 7 spectrum ) and 1 x 240w Led Panel ( 3w chip , 7 spectrum )

Tent is in the loft ( hence the heater ). Germed 5 White Domina in root riot cubes, and when tap root was about 1/2 inch out of the bottom of the cube i planted them ( including cube ) into plastic pint cups. Using perlite / vermiculite 4-1 ratio with perlite res at the bottom. AM hoping to use one as a veg room for a mother and clones and the other to flower.

Will start a journal once i have found the camera... but wanted to ask a cple of questions.

The seedlings are about an 1 1/2 tall and look ok, was wondering about when to start on the nutes ? Am going with Lucas Formula and will start at maybe 1/8 strength ?
For the last 2 days have been lightly watering till just a small overflow but dont want them being hungry.

Any tips, help, or advice will be appreciated. p.s Have read the Hempy Collective thread ( all 170ish pages !!! ) but kinda find its an information overload... lol..