nothing important just need to follow some people follow me and I'll follow back also who too follow


Active Member
Just still new and trying to find some one who wouldn't mind me following them and maybe follow me so my news feed isn't empty. Thanks for your time reading this. Have a good day and stay lifted


Active Member
Hahahahaha I'm sorry that's funny I was thinking damn I sound like a mark lol no just a small time personal grower. Should I be worried about cops on here tho?


Active Member
I am originally from Utah but moved out to Virginia to live with my grandpa. Now I'm here filling in for him


Staff member
use "new posts" over following this way you can see whats new on the forum , typically people dont use their personal news feeds much,
youll get followers by making friends and becoming a reputable user on the forum , typically the users here shy away from newer members who dont participate much

welcome to rollitup