not sure when to harvest these


Well-Known Member
i noticed the hairs on one of my plants just starting to turn an amber brown color. so i checked out the trichomes and thier all a milky opaque color.
the thing that sucks is i think i planted them around the end of august if im remembering right.
i just remember that i told myself that i dont have to worry about a thing and ill harvest around 1st week of dec. but now thats not the case and im looking for maby an earlier harvest. and this is some pretty nice bag seed. so sorry if the pics are blurry and crappy.



Well-Known Member
if it were me id wait...a good two-weeks...but depending on weather..possibly sooner...have you have a first frost yet?


Well-Known Member
yeah, thats what i thought.

the temps really fluxuate between day and night, so the out door plants come in at night and are out in the morning when its about 50 degrees and here in the sacramento valley it warms up to 70 in no time. sunny every day-untill winter when the rains and cold get here.

but when should i expect to see the amber color in those trichomes?

and i understand that the window is about 10 days for peak harvest. but i still dont know when to start feeding them molasses and when to stop feeding them fert and water and all those things you do before harvest. but if i got three weeks that gives me a week more of fert and water w/molasses then the last week no water. sound right?


Well-Known Member
shit- i just realized they only get 8 1/2 hours of sunlight! will that effect the maturation time?


Active Member
i had a huge girl growing outside for quite awhile and she only got about 9 hours of direct light. she matured fat and sweet so i think it will be ok. its really late in the outside harvest season so you might run into frost problems depending on where you live. yes 12/12 is by far the best, but 8 1/2 will just force your plant to mature faster(probably just not to its full yield tho)


Uses the Rollitup profile
Actually, it doesn't matter how much daylight they get each day for them to mature. What matters is the hours of darkness, they must get enough hours of dark to keep them flowering.

HTH :mrgreen: