Not sure what's causing this.


Hi guys so I put these 2 seeds down around 23/24 days ago and overe the last few days I have been noticing a worsening in the colour of the leaves. They are growing in Gaia Green organic soil with all purpose, bloom, worm castings and mycorrhizae in the mix while being watered with RO water around 6.5 pH every 3-4 days. Any advice on what to do would be greatly appreciated, thanks so much!jack hair.jpegOG Kush.jpeg
Try using tap water or spring water. RO isn't necessary. I wanna say your PH is too low. I just don't have enough experience in soil - I am a hydro guy.
if you're watering with RO and your filtration system does not supplement the good things it strips out like Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, etc. you'll want to put that stuff back in yourself.

I use RO water and it looks like you have a magnesium deficiency, but I'm not really an expert and on my second grow myself. However, I do have this list of things from that these systems strip out, it's pretty handy.
Why are you using so much nutrients already?

I would start my seedling in the pot size you have with 0 nutrients. Gaia Green living soil has enough nutrients in it to survive the first couple of weeks of the seedling life. After a few weeks is when you should transplant into a larger pot and at that point you would start pre-amending your soil with the 4-4-4 nutrients. Not sure why you would be using bloom this early in veg anyways. Look into earth worm castings and adding them into your soil mixture.

Also the plant does seem quite small for 24~ days of growth. I've seen plants grow bigger in a week!