Not sure if this is a female, take a look at the calyx and tell me what you think


first signs of sex - Copy.jpgfirst signs of sex 2.jpgThe arrow is pointing to the calyx you can sort of see the reddish hair that is sticking out of it. The first two day that the pistil showed it was very small and looked to be white, after day three it turned red, now its 6 days after it first showed itself and is the only calyx on the plant that has showed me any signs of anything. The plant is almost two months old and is 5 1/2 ft tall. My quastion is, is this a preflower and if so does it look to be female, I know its early but I need to know asap. The second pView attachment 1638926ick without the arrow is just an over view of it, i dont think you can see the pistil in this one but it does give a better view of the calyx's.View attachment 1638897


Active Member
yea.... little too early to call for sure yet ... be patient and all will be revealed in time grasshopper ........ lol that sounds so philisophical ...


haha thank you master. I know you can really see the hair in those pics but it was clearly a white hair coming out i thought that usually is a sign? but atleast i have one already flowering check it.The thing is this guy (which is totally different strain) didnt have any calyx's near the stipules. flowering1.jpg