Not sure if I’m watering enough

I usually pick up the buckets to weight but some of the grown ladies feel heavy for 4-5 days. Is this normal? Any other way to tell when they are thirsty?
that sucks. some pots dry out real fast while others dont and remain heavy. even with proper soil mixing there will always be a few that hold water. some plants grow faster or vent more water, forget what its called but plants evaporate to move water, and they evaporate water to stay cool. im guessing thats a huge factor why pots stay waterlogged while others are bone dry.
Go on the weight of the pots rather than the top few inch looking dry ,If you think your over watering you most likely are,I water every 2 days and i'm at week 4 of flowering in auto pots
I’m going to tell you a secret tip, take a long bamboo squewer and stick it all the way in the dirt. LEAVE IT THERE. Then if you are ever wondering about the moisture of the soil, pull the bamboo stick out, and feel it. different spots on the stick will be wet/dry/damp.. and that can help tell you if you should water