Not Looking So Good


Please help me, my ladies have been going up and down. At first they look good and then the next day they are all hanging down for no reason. I am using Fox Farm Ocean and watering every 2-3 days, it stays between 78-88 in the closet depending on the day. Please help me with any suggestions.



Well-Known Member
They look fucked. ahah. :)

Are you watering thoroughly and allowing to dry?

Do they perk up once you've watered?

Are you using any nutrients?


looks as though your starving them they need a drink more often under high intensity lights feed less more often back your nutes off till there looking healthy again just make sure when watering you get about 10-20% waste and test your waste to know whats goin on hope i helped


Well-Known Member
Water more frequently and try some good bottled water if you are using tap water for a few days and see what happens. damn they look like they already died.


Well-Known Member
with the pots they are in being so small...and the plants being tiny..if your watering every 2-3 days,that might be too much.looks more like over watering to me


Active Member
Haha, it's overwatering.

You're only supposed to water like 1-2 times a week when they're that big.


So, this is what they look like about 2-3 hours after i feed them. Then in a couple days the go down again. I never watered all the soil, i only water where the roots are, but thoroughly to make sure it goes down. I started watering them every 3-4 days and now that they are actually growing after a month im watering every 2-3 days and feeding every other time with Age Old Grow 12-6-6. I'm using a t5 with 54 watt 6500k bulbs. They are all about 8" tall, about how tall should they be when i start flowering? I'm going to be using a 250 watt HPS bulb and i am going to be using HESI Phosphorus Plus and HESI Super Vit.

Thank you for the help, smoke on :joint:



New Member
yeah brother water those bitches... they are under constant heat and apparently trapped heat and humidity i assume. so i would try to at least water those girls twice a day.


New Member
Looks like steamed collard greens hanging over a stem.

Sorry man that sucks, Toss those and start over.
hahaha yeah they do. but...

So, this is what they look like about 2-3 hours after i feed them. Then in a couple days the go down again. I never watered all the soil, i only water where the roots are, but thoroughly to make sure it goes down. I started watering them every 3-4 days and now that they are actually growing after a month im watering every 2-3 days and feeding every other time with Age Old Grow 12-6-6. I'm using a t5 with 54 watt 6500k bulbs. They are all about 8" tall, about how tall should they be when i start flowering? I'm going to be using a 250 watt HPS bulb and i am going to be using HESI Phosphorus Plus and HESI Super Vit.

Thank you for the help, smoke on :joint:

they actually look much better now jack...

have you tried watering them more often? or do they hate it?


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using does it retain any water? it looks to be very airy like it just all drains out the bottom.


Well-Known Member
so its not overwatering its underwatering + temps being so close to that hood. just everytime they start to fall give them water , u shouldnt be feeding yet just watering


New Member
I haven't tried watering them more ofter, i guess ill try it. But should i really water them 2 times a day?
no not necessarily... i was just saying that because they looked so bad. i would just make sure the soil is damp and moist most of the time.

When is a good time to start the flowering stage?
depending on what exactly you are trying to accomplish; i.e. a scrog, lst, whatever, and on your amount of space is when i would flower them. by the looks of the pictures they have quite a ways. maybe give them 2-3 weeks from sprout. i do not particularly know... others on here with MUCH MORE knowledge and experience will be able to tell you.


Well-Known Member
back them lights back and get some fans on them and build the stem strength .if its so hot and no air flow...your soil is drying out before the plant can take in any nutes and get enough water.and as for the flowering thing...first..wait till they are healthy,leaves pointing up and looking good..wait till it has about 6-8 nodes on it...since the stems are not strong enough yet to support the plant if it does flower