Norti bros white widow grow 100% organic


Active Member
First of all let us introduce our selfs, we are daily weed smokers and are fed up of buying shit weed on the streets, so we decided to grow our own weed. We spent ages browsing the internet and downloading as many grow movies as we could, we dint start anything till we knew that we had learn't enough to grow the best stuff we'ed ever seen. This took a long time but we enjoyed learning about it, anyway to cut a long story short we learn't everything we need to know and decided on the following.

We did alot of research on fertilizers and decided we wanted to go organic. we chose bio-bizz and im so glad we did because the results we are having so far are brilliant but we'll get on to that soon

here is a list of everything we brought to setup the grow room:

600w hps bulb with ballast
diamond reflector (highly recommend)
1.8 metre long light rail
2 oscalating fans
1 big fat carbon filter with ducting and inline fan
125w blue envirolite (for mother
) and reflector
diamond sheeting (for mother)
2 20 litre buckets
air pump with a air stone
water heater
plant pots
tempature and humidity reader (lol cant remember what is called)
ph and moisture reader
bio-bizz all mix
bio-, grow, bloom, heaven, root juice, topmax and leaf coat
and all the materials to build the room from scratch because the room is going in a cellar where no ones been for a long time, but this is perfect as it is well hidden and the room is bran new so there should be no immidate attacks from insects

right onto the grow story at last we ordered ordered our seeds from amsterdammarijuanaseeds they took about 2 week to arrive but when they did we was buzzing, at last we was planting our first babys. We germed 6 white widows and put them strait into the all-mix under a 600w hps. Then it was time to play the waiting game, we looked after the plants on a daily basis starting them on rootjuice for 2 week then swapped it for the bio grow as the root juice had done its job, we vegged the future mothers for another 2 week then we turned them to sex them, this was a bad mistake as we later learn't the best way to to sex a mother is to take a clone off each one and put them strait into flower, then sex the clones as they are exact replicas of the mother, but anyway the damaged was done now. we took out 2 males this gave us more than enough so we were very happy,
now we had sexed the plants we turned the lights back to 18 hour to get the plants back into veg mode about 2 week later we chopped about 40 clones of the 4 diffrent mothers and now we knew we were close to staring our first full grow it was very exciting. about another 2 week later all the clones were ready, we gave 10 to a mate to get him going and were left with 28 for our selfs as 2 died but not bad for our first time white widow is ment to be one of the hardest to clone, but with the know how it was relativly simple, any way we dint waste our time we potted all our babys and placed another 10 ww seeds into germ

sorry we only started to share this grow so late on after our first grow but if you follow this grow you will see the best part of the grow as there into there flower cycle


Well-Known Member

You probably want a humidifier to increase the humidity, not dry the place out.

(unless your humidity is an ambient 60% or something)

can't wait for some pics though :mrgreen: