North Texas Bust


Active Member
yaeh hurd aabout that on local news the other day. Shitty they say they found around 15000 plants or some shit combined.


Active Member
never!! they will never leave us alone until the laws change. People are fight us for nothing. ask them they dont know why they just do it for a pay check.

in the good words or pink flyod "money is a crime"


Well-Known Member
Right wing bible thumping types which most cops are hate pot.They call it dope just like meth or crack.Right wing types follow the crowd and they don't understand people who don't.What they don't understand scares them so the fear turns to hate.In the end its hard to get a pot smoker to be a robot to the machine and as long as rich white right wingers run the world the system will always be against marijuana.


Active Member
Right wing bible thumping types which most cops are hate pot.They call it dope just like meth or crack.Right wing types follow the crowd and they don't understand people who don't.What they don't understand scares them so the fear turns to hate.In the end its hard to get a pot smoker to be a robot to the machine and as long as rich white right wingers run the world the system will always be against marijuana.
left wing people follow just as much as right wing.
they're both stupid!
lets have a mix of both.
it's my idea, i get the profit/recognition!!


Well-Known Member
Why were they growing next to the airport?

long as rich white right wingers run the world
A left-wing black man is the leader of the "free world".
what has changed?


Active Member
Right wing bible thumping types which most cops are hate pot.They call it dope just like meth or crack.Right wing types follow the crowd and they don't understand people who don't.What they don't understand scares them so the fear turns to hate.In the end its hard to get a pot smoker to be a robot to the machine and as long as rich white right wingers run the world the system will always be against marijuana.
Dude, left or right, there will be pot heads and people who hate pot. That's way to broad of a generalization there.

It has nothing to do with right or left wing people. There are rich left wing people too. It all comes down to money and the people behind the scenes.