North Korea


Active Member
Yes, technically there is only an armistice and the war never ended. But technicalities you think the current tensions over the sinking of the south korean ship might lead to a resumption of hostilities on the korean peninsula.


Well-Known Member
The latest Conspiracy theories about the DeepHorizon well was that the N Koreans torpedoed the well so that Obama would be stuck in a very difficult position. Unable to call for non proliferation if we end up having to use a nuke to stop the flow of oil. I think it is more likely we will go into Iran under the auspice of something they did to us, although it would most likely be under the guise of anti terrorism. Im sure we could fabricate evidence of WMD's if we got some of Bush's staff over for lunch.

OR, Its all planned and there will be a world war and we will get to bomb and kill millions of people. Yay for empire!!


Active Member
Well South Korea has been exercising and North Korea dropped the embargo so could go to war tbh.


Well-Known Member
I think that it may not escalate the war. And that Obama is going to let Nato drag it out as long as possible. And that everyone turns to China to try to stop their dog from shitting on the neighbors lawns.

I know there are a ton of you all that hate Obama, but I like this guy, not for what he says, but for what he doesn't say. He is not out there banging his fist over the nut in N Korea, or Iran, or BP, ect. He may pull the ole clenched jaw with Biden, or do his shucks I think it sucks, maybe even a I don't like this, but never really seems overly fierce about it. Yeah I know the tin foil hats are out there squeeling like a little kid having a seizure of that, because you think that somehow he is in their pockets. But it just may be because it will not do a damn bit of good. Did anyone really think that Kim Jong Ill would not try to pick a fight before he died? I think that this is just his death rattle.

It may be inevitable, but thumping our countries chest is not going to stop it, and it just might help it happen if it wasn't.


Active Member
It's the guy in power you have to worry about... Kim Jong-il could be facing his last days. At that point wtf does he have to loose? His country is China's little puppet, they are broke and their war toys are junk compared to all the other kids on the block. An irrational, dying dictator with one finger on the button. Also, what role would China play in all this? Could a war w/China be possible? China had their back last time we were there. Check out the "Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance" That is a scary thought kids and I love the USA but... China is a MONSTER and I do not believe the USA and all her allies could afford nor have the balls for a war with China. They own us whether or not we will ever admit it.