With all due respect to the MMJ community, and NOT to downplay the significant medical value of therapeutic cannabis, I have to agree with the guy. By and large, I see and hear every day of people who are "going to move to Cali and get a card" because they'll give you a card for a hangnail. This may or may not be the case, but it DOES highlight the intent of MANY, MANY folks to manipulate the system, and shows the pervasive belief in Non-Legal states that the whole thing is basically a sham. While there are CERTAINLY those who have real medical issues and really do need cannabis to function without resorting to harmful pharmaceuticals, I am absolutely convinced that most card holders have minor medical problems (if any at all), and play them up to be able to smoke recreationally, LEGALLY. And folks, I'm good with that. More power to ya!
But don't go getting incensed or outraged at the actions or statements made by us who don't live in a legal state. When we say we grow for profit, we get lambasted as "profiteers" preying on poor med patients. BULLSHIT! We risk jail to supply the recreational users in our states. When we make statements about MMJ that might threaten your "legal status", or merely be taken out of context, we get the righteous indignation of the "medical" users who are outraged that we DARE to say something that might threaten their precarious hold on their legal status.
It genuinely seems to me that once y'all got legal status, it was OK Great!! Fuck the rest of you guys, WE'RE cool here now, so don't go fucking things up for us. That may be an overcritical statement, but it hits home.
Yes, NO question that MJ has legit medicinal value, and that needs to be recognised by the Government. But the Government HAS GOT to be held accountable for it's lies and deceit, and the unconstitutional persecution of MJ users, and what constitutes a war on the citizenry. I for one am NOT satisfied by the MMJ/Compassionate use movement. Oh, I'll take what I can get, but I won't be SATISFIED until every citizen can possess, grow and smoke cannabis without fear of reprisal.