Norcal rainy harvest...send help!!!


Active Member
:-?So I seem to have a dilemma with my outdoor ladies. I didn't transition into bloom until sept. 1st, as they aren't on my property and are kinda hard to get here we are roughly 8-9 weeks later and they are just about perfect. Only problem is that up here in northern cali. we just got hit with some decent rain and moisture. I had everything staked off and pulled up against the house that they're at, so they're standing tall...but a little top heavy. My dilemma is long should i wait for the water to dry off as not to promote mold? The suns out now, after about 3 days of grey gloom, and should be until friday...could/should i wait until then to harvest? should i pull them now? are my ladies fukked from the rain, or was it okay to let nature help me flush? in need of some serious feedback on this... thanks in advance my herbal ninjas!!:peace: