

Active Member
ima noob and i just trimmed my plant. its my first grow. i was wondering what is the fastest way of drying and curing without hangin. ?
slllooowwww dry......cant emphasize it enough......ssssssslllllllllooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww dddddrrrryyyyyyyyy
i soak my plants the day before harvest so they are full of water

if u really wanna smoke some now, put it in the microwave for 10 seconds, then let it sit for 15 this again until its dry enough to smoke

if you are new to growing, you will definitely be disappointed in the taste and smell of your weed if u quick dry it, so DO NOT dry the whole stash in the microwave.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
All the time it takes to get to harvest and to hurry the dry seems like a huge waste of time. Taking a sample is one thing but quick drying a whole grow is short sighted as far as finished product is concerned.


Well-Known Member
for drying the key isnt really how quick...rushing it can only be for the worse. Try checkin this site out, i copied part of it out so you can just read off here, but its definately worth reading over the whole thing...

A good way to dry the crop is to hang the buds upside-down by the stem, from some string or wire. The drying marijuana must have some circulation blowing over it at all times. A gentle breeze that circulates over all the plants is necessary.
A fan or two will circulate air within the drying room. Fans will aid in drying the plants evenly, and reducing the chances of mold. If mold starts and is allowed to grow, it might ruin all of your crop. Mold looks like white fuzz and has an odor that is unpleasant.
You will have to keep the temperature and humidity within a certain range for optimal results. Conditions should remain constantly somewhere within the following ranges, temperature should be between 65-75 degrees F, relative humidity should be between 45%-55%.
At temperatures lower than 65 degrees, drying time will be lengthened. At temperatures higher than 75 degrees, the heat will cause the outer portion of the bud to dry quicker than the inner part, and the taste will suffer.
At humidity levels lower than 45%, the marijuana will dry too fast and the taste will suffer. At humidity levels higher than 55%, the marijuana will take a long time to dry, and it will be prone to mold.
Keep a hygrometer and a thermometer in the drying area, close to the plants. A hygrometer will allow you to keep an eye on the relative humidity level in the room and a thermometer will display the temperature. Some hygrometers
have built in thermometers so you can measure the temperature and humidity together.
Depending on the time of year and your location, a heater or an air conditioner may be necessary to adjust the temperature. To control humidity, a dehumidifier can lower humidity and a humidifier can be used to raise humidity. There are warm mist humidifiers and cool mist humidifiers.
A warm mist humidifier will raise the temperature while a cool mist humidifier will not affect the temperature. There are also humidifiers that allow you to switch between warm or cool mist. If you are going to purchase a humidifier for this purpose, take your climate into consideration and buy an appropriate humidifier.
Warm mist models will actually heat the water and release warm humidity. Cool mist water isn't cooled, it just means that water is not heated. In most cases a cool mist will work best. To be safe you can get a humidifier that lets you switch between warm and cool mist.