Noob- quick soil question !

Starting up my indoor grow as soon as I get my seeds from Nirvana.
Gathering materials at the moment, just going through whats in my house

I found "Pefferlaw - 3way mix" -peat humus, peat fibre, composted barnyard manure
"Pefferlaw - black earth" - peat humus
and "Promix" on the bag it says for outdoor contaniers?

Both pefferlaw products are considered "organic garden soil", is that ok to use?

Just wondering which (if any) of the 3 I should use.
and if you need more information on the product to determine if its good to use or not let me know! I'll spit out some information I read on the bags


Well-Known Member
how old are those bags? i used a year or two old bag of soil once thinking, "hey, soil is soil right, not like it goes bad.." i was wrong

i use promix btw
The same promix I found?
not 100% sure how old it is. ether very recent or from last year. Should I not take the risk of it being from last year?


Well-Known Member
i doubt its the same pro-mix. if it for outdoors im guessing it has some type of nutrient already in the soil which you don't want. is it worth the risk? well for $30 or less you can get 3.8 cu feet of compressed pro-mix. you'll bee set all year. to me $30 is worth the piece of mind


Well-Known Member
fox farm ocean forest is awesome but it may bankrupt you depending on the size of your grow. i know first hand.