Noob q - finish indoors?


Well-Known Member
Most likely just a bit if anxiety over the increasingly wet and damp clime.
Wondered whether it's a yay or any for possibly moving the plants indoor for final week or so?
My bro science (!) Says in my head, yeah let them strain a little with less watering and focus on buds in a dry atmosphere.
Wont be a tent or anything, just indoors.
Yay? Nay?
As always thank you!
may as well treat with some organic pesticide/fungicide before going in no? I figure just to be safe.. it could be newb paranoia.
Yes cheers folks - will see how the weather keeps for the next 2 weeks.
you would be right, best off inside, but look out for bugs in your buds
Sweet :) been using peroxide all season ( ~2%) and I gather its pretty good for general cleansing AND can be used on buds. :)
I’m finishing my one remaining plant inside my garage. We are getting rain and cold temps so I can’t risk bud rot.
Be careful moving a large plant. The branches might be able to take the wind, but picking it up and carrying it ( or in my case dragging it) it pretty violent on it. I broke off a couple larfy branches, I’m thankful they weren’t decent colas that I snapped off.

As for bugs, I rounded up a bunch of ladybugs from my garden and threw them on my plant once inside. They seem to be sticking around so hopefully they will get me through to the finish line.