Noob needs help from growers! (pics included)


Hey guys,

so I also am a frequent poster on various other forums (automotive related) and I have learned the rules and what bugs people. Especially noobs (my case) posting various threads. So to avoid cluster and what not , I'll try to post all my concerns in one thread and hopefully it works and you guys can help answer some questions.

Again , I know the basics, provide info and include pics!!! but after reading so many threads and what not, I can only learn SO MUCH on my own, and opinions from actual growers can be the difference between a good harvest and a complete disaster. I would much rather have access to opinions from a real grower than from text, because the hands on part is much more important than the theory!!! Well at least to me ... :D

Anyways here it goes!

Northern Lights (#2?)
Seed or clone: Seed
Quantity of plants: 9 plants
Growing medium: nutrimix hp (growing media) in 3 - 5 Gallon pots
Age of seedlings: 11 days (updated 1/11/2012)
Stage: vegging
Lighting: at the moment 1 13w CFL per plant. Looking for a 200w MH upgrade (possibly 400w)
Temp: 25deg C or ~73deg F
Relative Humidity: ~45-50%
Water/Nutrients: 4L distilled water jug with 1 drop of superthrive for root development. That is my mix ratio, I use about 1-2 full party cups for each pot.

Here are some of my issues.

Here is my "strongest" plant, it was the first to sprout , less than 24 hours, its the biggest and has the most "leaf sets" but I am running into this slight issue. I dont know if its deficient in nutrients. Im a noob so I really dont know how to tell apart different deficiencies or issues from just pics on the internet, so here is why I am asking!

I dont know if you can see, its getting some yellow spots on the newer leafs, it was a bit worse yesterday but after a watering with some b1 vitamins, it was reduced a bit but its definitely still there... Is my plant deficient in nutes? or it seems like this issue may be caused by a slight deficiency in zinc?

Also like I said I only used superthrive so far and I water every 4 days or so especially when the plants start to droop a bit.

This plant was my 2nd healthiest plant but I think I may have over watered it ... it is drooping quite a bit and there are brown spots on the leaves, over watered? or deficient in nutrients?
Not sure if you can see but it was some brown spots on its lowest leaves right above the cotyledons.

Another issue I have noticed are a few of my plants are pointing upwards a lot more than the other plants.

Is this due to lack of light? Right now I am using 1 13w CFL for each plant, running 9CFL's 24/7 I am certainly trying to keep the electricity cost down, but if they are lacking light now, I may as well invest into a MH bulb.

Sorry for the long read! But hopefully this approach reducse clutter on the forums!


Well-Known Member
Hello weksos :wink:
Your Girls are looking nice and healthy so Don't Panic !!!
There should be enough feed in the soil to last your girls a Good Month from seed without having to feed them any more Fert's yet...
I have noticed on my own grow and quite a few others growers plants also having a few spots but they All seem to disappear after a week or so 8-)
Just Try not to Over Water your girls, Pick up your pots to check their weight or do the Finger test to see if they need a drink.
As for your Light's, They will do for the moment but if you can afford to invest in a nice HID then you will see a HUGE Difference in growth :weed::lol: But also Heat... So you will also need a Fan to help reduce the Heat and it will blow on your girls as well . I bought my 600 Watt Duel Spectrum HPS Bulb, Ballast and Reflector for £50/$75 on flebay and i saw a Huge difference myself on my 4 Girls that are in Flower now 8-)
If you can't afford to invest in a HID yet? Get a few more CFL's until you can. You can always use them in a Veg Room/tent at a later date or With a HID when flowering for Extra Light. More Light=More Bud :weed:
Always keep your Grow Room CLEAN !!! Otherwise you will end up with Every Bug & Their Friend's Invading your Girls and your Home.
I Hope this will put your mind at rest and feel Free to ask for Any help. I Don't Pretend to know Everything but will do my best if you ask :cool:
Happy Growing.