Noob needs diver help

Hey just getting some parts together to do my first build and just want to run it by some one else before Making the final purchase of the driver.

The Area being used is 2ftx2.5ft closet style with very good ventilation.

So far I have all the frame materials
3 135mm pin heatsinks pre drilled and tapped to take citizen/Vero
2 citizen CLU048-1212 V6 90cri 3500k
1 citizen CLU048-1212 V6 80cri 3000k
Ideal no soldor holder for the above

As for the driver that’s where I’m looking for some advice after using the calculator I think I’ve picked one being the mean well HGL 185H C1400. Would this work and if so would I have enough room to add another cob at some point in time.

Cheers guys sorry for the newbie questions first time posting first time building looking forward to the adventure...

Sorting parts in the uk is pain
Yeah that driver is perfect for those cobs wired in series.

Do you want an external dimmer, or an internal one (requires soldering for external dimmer)?

You dont need the extra juice the A version would give you as 200 watts for your space is already a ton of light. But if you dont want to wire a potentiometer for dimming, get the A. Just be aware that at full power, the A will pump out like 220-250w.

You'll very likely need to dim it to work in that space, but it's always better having too much light and dim it down than have too little or just enough, especially if you ever upgrade to a bigger space.
Hey thanks for the reply.

Internal would be fine I’m trying to keep it as basic as possible this time around until I learn a whole lot more.. :)
Definitely better to have a a little to much that I can work with.