noob need help


Active Member
well im pretty new to the growing life. i have a couple of questions that i could use some help with. i starting with the moist paper towel for the seeds then moved them into there final place. ok my setup is a bathtub with a tarp in it with four bags of scotts topsoil with one bag mircale grow potting soil and one bag mircale grow top soil. my lighting is two 2bulb florecent they are 40 watts each with a totally of around 4,000 lumins. iv planted around 5 to 6 seeds of decent weed my friend had. my first question is how much should i water it while its just starting to sprout and what should my ph level be. i also have the lights about 4 inches away from the dirt is that good enough. my humidty is around 70% and my temps are 80.5 im using the 14hours on and 10 hours off. will post pics later


Well-Known Member
water it until a little water comes out the bottom then stop,,,dont water it again,,until its dry 2 inches down,,stick yr finger in,,,the top will dry out quick,,but wait for it to be dry 2 inches down,,dont over water


Well-Known Member
floyds right on witht he water. and i would think about giving them a bit more light. some sativas COULD go into flower with 10 hours dark. its unlikely but some sativa's can do it with close to 12 hours dark. agins its quite unlikely and if its indica id say no prob


Well-Known Member
Morning capthowdy,
Growing in a bathtub eh?
Well I don`t think I`d water until it runs out,because you`ll drown your seedlings, as they get bigger then ya, but not yet.
As for the PH , I try to keep mine between 6.2 and 6.6 seems to work well for me.
I`d put your lights on a 20 hrs on 4 hrs off till they veg a little more and get some size on em.


Active Member
well this is my first time ever doing this has i get better i will get better things and seeds. im going to leave the lights on for 20 and 4 off. i was wanting to use the co2 method any tips it will be homemade. i was thinking of getting this it seems pretty good and its like a all in one
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Well-Known Member
just leave the lights on for 24 hours,,,,ive doen 18 hours and 24 hours lights,,i see faster growth with 24 hour light


Active Member
should i leave them on till the start to come above ground then start turning them off. also i went to post pics of my setup and it said i had to wait for a mod to approve could a mod please approve i really want to get has much help has a i can. iv been reading like a mad man lol. trying to make sure i get this right.
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Well-Known Member
just leave the light on for 24 hours,,,,germinate the seeds in paper towels,,when there like an inch out,plant them root side down,,,right on top,,just put a lil soil over it to cover it slightly every day put a few drops of water of the spot the seed is in,,DO NOT over water,,a few drops a day,,once it pops up,,give it a normal watering,until any water starts to drain out,,,u shouldnt have to water for at least 3 4 days more,,,check 2 3 inches down,,not on top to see if dry,,leave the light on 24 hours,,leave it like 1-2 inches from the tops


Active Member
thanks for the advice should i be adding fertilizer are anything to the soil my ph right now is 6.2 and when should i be adding co2 to the air. also can i use the nasty crap that comes out of gutters after i let it dry. also i throw all my old veggies in the soil and mix it up a little is that good or bad. also i put 2 dozen worms in the soil to help things out.


Active Member
ok i just went and checked on my plants and one is sprouting but the other ones are not coming up should i still keep the lights on 24 hours are should i start the day and night cycle. also how long should i leave the lights on and off for when they are sprouting.


Well-Known Member
DONT ADD FERTILIZER until it's at least 2+ weeks old! Nute burning seedlings is one of the top reasons for overnight seedling deaths, next to over/underwatering, and temperature getting too hot/cold.

If you really want to start nutes, add a really really diluted solution of fertilizer with more nitrogen in it than phosphorus or potassium. Try a nute with 30-10-10 ratio, or 5-1-1 ratio, etc. But make it really diluted! For example, some directions say mix 1/4 teaspoon per gallon. I would go with 1/8 teaspoon per gallon, or less!


Well-Known Member
ok i just went and checked on my plants and one is sprouting but the other ones are not coming up should i still keep the lights on 24 hours are should i start the day and night cycle. also how long should i leave the lights on and off for when they are sprouting.
Honestly I wouldn't worry too much either way. But I would go with 18 or 21 hours on, and 3-6 hours off. 18/6 or 21/3. Too much wasted light all for one seedling. As soon as they all sprout then its up to you! Just remember, keep at LEAST 18 hrs of light per day on them, but make sure they dont get too hot. It looks like you have long tube flourescents, so you should be fine. :)


Active Member
ok i know have 8 plants sprouting its been five days since iv put them in the dirt. i checked the ph in the soil and its around 6.5 is this to high also is there anything i should be looking out for while there in this stage. they all seem pretty green to me i mist them 3 times a day and leave the lights on for 24 hours everyday. when should i start a light cycle?


Active Member
ok i will stop misting them today also when should i start a light cycle also when will they start to flower and when do i need to watch out for males. sorry about the questions im a noob to growing