Noob jumping in....what are the best all around substrate and spawn materials.


Well-Known Member
I plan on purchasing a controlled monotub and a few syringes. I'll probably DIY a larger setup later if things don't get FUBARed.

So after some research it looked like the cleanest and easiest things to manage are...

Light Karo Syrup
Coco Coir
Brown Rice - Rice Flour

Looking for some tips on ratios, tricks....etc from seasoned growers.
Check out these guys videos bud should help you out some

May I suggest an extra 4 pf tek cakes to run in that terrarium as cakes, just the regular dunk and roll method.. ( sorry if I come across the wrong way, you may have done this before but as im sure you know it is where we all get are feet wet as starters )
Things may have changed in the last decade but everyone one of those kits i got back in the day gave me the meangreens..
(Mid sentence on to that lastone though, I remembered you mentioned lq, so im sure your knowledgeable, and I feel stupid aswell because I thought to my self, look up a controlled monotube you don’t know what he means.. so rather than erasing everything i just kept blabering on..
Sorry mate.. )

You can find some knowledge from the man himself -RR
On his webpage, hes got some downloadable content, about an hours worth of entertainment and info for a couple of dollars
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May I suggest an extra 4 pf tek cakes to run in that terrarium as cakes, just the regular dunk and roll method.. ( sorry if I come across the wrong way, you may have done this before but as im sure you know it is where we all get are feet wet as starters )
Things may have changed in the last decade but everyone one of those kits i got back in the day gave me the meangreens..
(Mid sentence on to that lastone though, I remembered you mentioned lq, so im sure your knowledgeable, and I feel stupid aswell because I thought to my self, look up a controlled monotube you don’t know what he means.. so rather than erasing everything i just kept blabering on..
Sorry mate.. )

You can find some knowledge from the man himself -RR
On his webpage, hes got some downloadable content, about an hours worth of entertainment and info for a couple of dollars

Other than some on and off research and going down the research rabbit hole for a few days, I'm 100% Grade A Certified Noob.
This will be my first attempt. I have the 10cc LC and was gonna inject 1.25cc into four Ben bags and four wide mouth 10oz mason jars.
Heads up my man! Probably not a good idea to inject more than .5 cc per UB bag, or you might risk getting wet rot contamination.. Especially with the Bens original kind, as they tend to have a higher moisture content as is compared to most other kinds of the rice pouches. Store brands are actually better (more dry), and usually much cheaper than ben's. You should be able to inoculate up to 20 of the 90 second rice pouches with a 10cc syringe. Maybe even more pouches than that, considering you'll be using LC, which has already been cultured and ready to go, compared to injecting a regular multi spore solution that takes longer to start colonizing, etc.
Cool!.....more chances to fail. I'll stab the six pack of Bens and pick up four more store brands. Most people do 1cc in an 8oz PF...I figured 1.25cc in a 10oz would work the same.

What's your go to generic rice, Target, WallyMart....?
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Walmart great value has gotta be the worst microwaveable 90 second rice I've ever ate.. It's way too dry, and has hard little bits of hulls and whatnot to get jammed in your teeth.. Perfect for noccing up with LC though! They also added the clear bottoms, so you can see the progress.. Any of the brands will work really, just go easy on the amount of liquids you inoculate with is all.. .25-.5cc should be good enough.

Ben's is still okay to use , just costs twice as much. Don't go running to the other mycology forums looking for help if things go bad though.. its best to keep it on the DL that you are doing UB tek, especially around those parts, lol...

I suggest using a cheap DIY still air box when doing them up. When you puncture or cut the bags, they immediately suck in air into the hole, so doing it in the "SAB" should help prevent any contams making their way in.
I plan on purchasing a controlled monotub and a few syringes. I'll probably DIY a larger setup later if things don't get FUBARed.

So after some research it looked like the cleanest and easiest things to manage are...

Light Karo Syrup
Coco Coir
Brown Rice - Rice Flour

Looking for some tips on ratios, tricks....etc from seasoned growers.


Use substrates less prone to contamination.

Take a look at my tek.
I have some good and bad news. The UB all got contaminated, I think what @Drop That Sound said was spot on....too wet.
Good news is the cakes came out solid. They are in the tub now with a humidifier set to run from 80%-90%.
So, the only issue is the fan even at lowest speed sucks the humidity out in like two minutes.

So, the question is, how many times a day should I turn over the air in the monutub.