(noob) I am about to start my first grow.


Active Member
No there is no way to tell sex until into flowering.

I only know about growing in soil, cause thats all i've done but...
Some probs i encountered, in no particular order;

you got to make sure you get good soil, that lets enough air circulate.
Don't water too much,
don't put the lights too close
don't go to the garden centre stoned
don't get stoned at the garden centre
don't water too much
and be patient



Well-Known Member
No there is no way to tell sex until into flowering.

I only know about growing in soil, cause thats all i've done but...
Some probs i encountered, in no particular order;

you got to make sure you get good soil, that lets enough air circulate.
Don't water too much,
don't put the lights too close
don't go to the garden centre stoned
don't get stoned at the garden centre
don't water too much
and be patient

I went stoned as fuck lol..
Are they watching?
If so DEA heres to you --> :finger:


Well-Known Member
you can learn a lot by reading threads in the plant problems section... some useful information in there before you even start


Active Member
oh yeah and don't put the lights too far away cause they go all stretchy:weed:

last time i went to the garden centre me and this other stoner where the only people there, it turned we both wanted pots for the same plants


Well-Known Member

( this post was intended as a joke but ive literally seen
a " hey guys i pee'd on my plant what should i expect'
thread once so just lettin ya know....) :weed:


Well-Known Member
I came into indoor growing myself recently and am a few weeks off my 1st harvest,,so its all pretty fresh in my mind and I'm still learning heaps everyday.... I started my grow room intending to go with a new potentially amazing technology,,,LED lights for growing....they are great for vegging but I have got my self 2 HPS for flowering...apart from trying to get my head around the lighting etc...my 1st problem was I planted my seeds before I had set up my room )....so I kept them under a table for about 2 months b4 I could move them into their new home..(I had tha table proped up on bricks and just added more bricks as the plants got bigger).too impatient was my 1st folly... my second problem was a ride on effect of the table saga ...I had an out break of spider mites :sad:....any hows I cleaned that up with a pyrethem based product and am now very carefull about when I go into my grow room...try not to go in to your room more than once a day,,,never go from your garden into your room and try to go in straight after showering with clean clothes
and friend of mine keeps slippers outside his room and changes into them to work in there,,,so he doesnt bring any thing in on his shoes... there are my most important lessions so fa :weed: hope this helps :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I came into indoor growing myself recently and am a few weeks off my 1st harvest,,so its all pretty fresh in my mind and I'm still learning heaps everyday.... I started my grow room intending to go with a new potentially amazing technology,,,LED lights for growing....they are great for vegging but I have got my self 2 HPS for flowering...apart from trying to get my head around the lighting etc...my 1st problem was I planted my seeds before I had set up my room )....so I kept them under a table for about 2 months b4 I could move them into their new home..(I had tha table proped up on bricks and just added more bricks as the plants got bigger).too impatient was my 1st folly... my second problem was a ride on effect of the table saga ...I had an out break of spider mites :sad:....any hows I cleaned that up with a pyrethem based product and am now very carefull about when I go into my grow room...try not to go in to your room more than once a day,,,never go from your garden into your room and try to go in straight after showering with clean clothes
and friend of mine keeps slippers outside his room and changes into them to work in there,,,so he doesnt bring any thing in on his shoes... there are my most important lessions so fa :weed: hope this helps :leaf:
Old hippie trick..Take a slice O potato and put it in the pot.
Mites will gather on it, remove slice and repeat till no more mites :-P