NOOB GROW...1st grow


Active Member
Hey guys...i've been lurking around for the past few days now and i finaly got some pics of my plant tell me what you guys think. I have a grow room setup on top of a bathtub built with plywood. I just put the plant under a 400w MH like 4 feet away from it because it's only the second was under 1 measly 2ft t5 because i couldnt get a normal light. but now i got one. I was lighting it with the t5 for 24 hours a im on the 400w MH for 18/6...i use BC grand nute...BC grow and BC boost with some stuff called thrive alive red. i only have one fan in there and it's always on "HI" )no pun intended...hehe) tell me what u guyz think. ill have more pics up later on today...thnx



Well-Known Member
Shes a nice little clone,she will prefer it be 12" away unless you have no fans then i would say 2 foot away:blsmoke:


Active Member
i actualy do have one fan but today i moved it 2 feet from the plant...i figured every other day ill drop it so it doesn't get was only under a 24w 2ft a da or two ill have it 12"...does this sound like a good move?


Well-Known Member
i actualy do have one fan but today i moved it 2 feet from the plant...i figured every other day ill drop it so it doesn't get was only under a 24w 2ft a da or two ill have it 12"...does this sound like a good move?
I really dunno if a plant that big can be shocked by a hps hanging above it,in nature one day it may be boiling with hot sun and another day it may be shit the plants dont go into shock from this.

I think youll find that a long time ago someone hung a hps over some new plants to close and with no fans and then when it died from being burnt to death he said it was shocked.

I bring seedlings on with a 400watt hps 12" away,fan is blowing air onto the hps and onto the tops of my plants so the air in between the hps and the plants cannot become superheated as its always moving.

Anyway you should do what you think is best for your situation:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
dude its fine i have a 1khps 2 ft away from my 2 inch clones and they love it, and i dont use any exaust either i just make sure theres a good fan blowing at the tip of the plant that way it moves the plant back and forth and that helps with radiant heat. Have fun!

Oh btw, i've used a 400w hps before and i had it maybe least then 12 inch away from my plants and they we're just fine, and remember what i said before fans are very important. To find out the max hieght place your hand right on top of the plant and leave it there for 5 sec, if it heats up above 90(you should know how 90 feels) on your skin then your lift your light 1-3 more inches. GL!