Noise levels made by different LED grow arrays from various vendors


Well-Known Member
I was looking for some feedback from users from all different kinds of LED grow lights regarding the amount of noise that these lights make.
I am planning on getting a 200-300w unit in the next 2 weeks, but as I will be sleeping in the same room, and I will be trying to go as stealth as possible, I would like some input on noisy/quiet LED units.
I will be building a my cabinet out of inch thick MDF to try and contain most of the noise.
The models I have my eye on at the moment are:
200/300w Advanced LED Diamond Series
180/300w GlowLEDHydro Spectra LED
180/240w Pro Grow LED

I am leaning towards these units due to the amount of positive grow journal results from various sources that use LEDs from these vendors.
If anyone has any extra input, I would love to hear from you.