No-Till Setup Question?


I'm setting up a No Till indoor garden using 15 gal fabric pots. I'll be using RO water. How much water would
it take to water a 15 gallon pot?


Well-Known Member
Hey Gritzman.

Welcome. The simple equation I've seen is the watering volume should equal 10% to 15% of the soil volume. I probably do closer to 10%, as I'm late in flower.

There are a lot of variables. How much growth do you have? So, how large is the plant? If small, water a little, just enough to soak the area around the root zone; if large, water a lot. If large enough, get a saucer and water from the bottom primarily, watering only a little from the top..

I have six plants. I water with a .5 gallon blender. Each of six plants gets a third of the blender at a time. All 6 get about 3 gallons over about 5 minutes.

Keep deep mulch. Get rove beetles and hypoapsis mites. Watering from the bottom in micro-doses prevents over-watering. This can help you get a baseline for how much you need over a day.

Sips pots are the cats meow. Check them out.