No root powder/gel Easy clones...

Not going for the best possible way??just a cheap easy solution for cloning?? This is my first attempt at cloning in an easy to make diy humidity dome.. Materials needed 2 similar size plastic tubs tin foil water and ur cuttings.. Fill first tub with water then cover completly with poke holes in foil just big enough for stems to fit through..cut clones at 45 degree angle and slightly scrape off stem skin and place stem in holes then cover with second tub...keep them under very minimal lighting..although maybe not the most efficient its very cheap and works said this is my first attemt and 5 days in I'm seeing roots on 1 of the 2 clones without gel or powder..will share pics of roots when they are taken out


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People have been rooting cuttings in just a cup of water for centuries. It works. There may be methods and products that speed up and make the process work better but you can clone in just plain water.

You'll want to change the water every couple of days. Other than that just wait for the roots.

Good luck.
Yeah I just figured it would be easier for new members to start off with that info I couldnt find to much on cloning here..and if I had known that early on id have many clones by now..