No, Not All Of Them, Just One

jeff f

New Member
i pulled this from another board. after reading it in its entirety i said, no, not all of those documents, just one. see what you think, maybe i am nuts and beck and those clowns have been right all the time...i dont know.

I'd like to join with Donald Trump in requesting that Barack Obama release his birth certificate. I'd also like him to release any childhood photos, home movies, "How I Spent My Summer" essays, parent-teacher conference transcripts, field trip itineraries, childhood sports team records (and hopefully recaps of each game), and a brief summary of how he spent each day of his life. Only then can we be truly sure that he is a natural-born American citizen! Although I suppose he could just fake all of that anyway, and furthermore any evidence that establishes that he is a citizen is probably part of a fifty-year-old conspiracy to ensure that someday Obama would be able to be a presidential candidate

am i asking too much to just see one of those things? do they exist?


Well-Known Member
Thast like asking Bill Clinton to release his medical records when he went into office.

It could cause potential problems for Obama an he wont even acknowled our requrest of diclosure....

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
There can no longer be any doubt - Obama does not have a birth certificate. The idea that he would continue to refuse to release it if it existed is absurd. But he can't admit that he doesn't have one. The fact is, he has gotten away with it. Courts will not act because it would be too disruptive. The important thing now is to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. States need mechanisms to examine documentation for every candidate before they are allowed to be on the ballot. I think the constitution should be changed regarding natural born citizenship. But until it is, it should be upheld.


Well-Known Member
i pulled this from another board. after reading it in its entirety i said, no, not all of those documents, just one. see what you think, maybe i am nuts and beck and those clowns have been right all the time...i dont know.

I'd like to join with Donald Trump in requesting that Barack Obama release his birth certificate. I'd also like him to release any childhood photos, home movies, "How I Spent My Summer" essays, parent-teacher conference transcripts, field trip itineraries, childhood sports team records (and hopefully recaps of each game), and a brief summary of how he spent each day of his life. Only then can we be truly sure that he is a natural-born American citizen! Although I suppose he could just fake all of that anyway, and furthermore any evidence that establishes that he is a citizen is probably part of a fifty-year-old conspiracy to ensure that someday Obama would be able to be a presidential candidate

Read more:

am i asking too much to just see one of those things? do they exist?
are you really this dumb???

i am continually amazed at your ignorance.



Well-Known Member
i just hope that jeff was as strict about other presidential hopefuls, such as dubya.

i hope it's not just because obama isn't WHITE...

we all know the truth though....


Well-Known Member
Of course this could all be settled once and for all if he just showed the damn thing. But I guess some people find it kind of fishy that Barack would spend Millions of his own dollars to make sure it never gets shown.


Well-Known Member
i just hope that jeff was as strict about other presidential hopefuls, such as dubya.

i hope it's not just because obama isn't WHITE...

we all know the truth though....
It didn't take you long to pull out the race card did it.


Well-Known Member
It didn't take you long to pull out the race card did it.
it's the only variable that's really different in this election.

not even when dubya won the first time...

when widespread rumors of campaign fraud and voter suppression are on the record, when al gore had to sit there and hear account after account of systematic election manipulation, but deny the motions due to technicalities, have we been faced with such incredulity about the legality of a presidential win....

Barack Obama won't show his birth certificate because he doesn't have to. his certificate of live birth is good enough for the state he was born in, good enough for every single other instance where proving US citizenship is warranted...

yet it's not enough this time.... makes you wonder.......


Well-Known Member
There can no longer be any doubt - Obama does not have a birth certificate. The idea that he would continue to refuse to release it if it existed is absurd. But he can't admit that he doesn't have one. The fact is, he has gotten away with it. Courts will not act because it would be too disruptive. The important thing now is to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. States need mechanisms to examine documentation for every candidate before they are allowed to be on the ballot. I think the constitution should be changed regarding natural born citizenship. But until it is, it should be upheld.
yeah but they left that out on purpose my man...

your founding fathers were smart.....
they knew that america would be a melting pot, so they left mechanisms in place to ensure that even immigrants would have a fair shot, to prevent a ruling aristocracy from taking hold of the nation.. in other words, they left the door open on purpose, with the idea that The People should be able to choose whomever they wanted, within reason, to be elected president.

think of what your saying....

the precedent of it...

if we, as a nation, begin to install restrictions on who is able to run for president and why... then its a matter of time before more restrictions are added, and before you know it, there are so many restrictions, the only people that will be allowed to run, are the people choosen by the current administration to replace them....

its part of the checks and balances system, and often overlooked by the media...

but the media loves the hypoe, it makes for good ratings.

whats kind of funny is that were stuck with the guy unless he fucks up really bad and gets himself impeached, and id like to think if he was smart enough to get this far, he wont fuck himself over... but who knows. but what im getting @ is this:
how the hell do The People keep wondering why the rest of the world hates us, when we spend so much time undermining our own elected president, while sticking our noses in everyone elses buisness as soon as a profit loss is incurred to one of our mighty conglomerates.
who died and made team america the world police anyways?

ok my disjointed, poorly thought out, and wandering rant is over now.

feel free to tell me im wrong and stuff.


New Member
There's (A) a one time cost for bringing on an employee, (B) monthly costs, and (C) annual costs all of which can be fixed per employee fees or based on salary and/or tenure. Because of all of the ranges and intersections of these variables, there is no quick answer to this question.

Health Insurance Benefits
Companies generally provide at least 2 plan options - HMO and PPO. The PPO is more expensive each month/employee. Rates vary by provider, geographical location of your company, risk of the employee group (under 50 employees you generally have to have underwriting), number of employees, amount of coverage/deductible/copays, and a couple of other things. Rates per employee vary as well. There are three general categories an employee may be: single, employee and a partner, or a family (employee and kid(s)s - with or without a partner regardless of the number of children). So, in order of least expensive to most expensive, you're going to have 6 rate categories at a minimum which I think of: HMO Single (~$300+/month/employee), PPO Single, HMO +1 adult, PPO +1 adult, HMO Family, and PPO Family (~$1300+/month/employee). Depending on the company's HR policy the company pays 70-90% of the monthly premium regardless of which of the 6 rate categories the employee chooses/falls into. (To prevent encouraging two-working-parent families from having double coverage with both employers plans and a couple of other things, most companies don't offer 100% premium coverage.)

I don't have a good rule of thumb that will get you out of modeling this when you're choosing between policy options and doing the first annual budget because of the highly variable nature of the market.

You may or may not pay a down-payment when you start coverage. Paid monthly. The policy renews on an annual basis.

Other possible benefits include:

  • Dental Insurance - fixed per month per employee. Paid monthly.
  • Vision Insurance - sometimes combined with the health insurance, sometimes not. I remember this being fixed per month per employee. Paid monthly.
  • Life Insurance - It's generally connected/part of the health care coverage. The premium the company pays is based on a percentage of salaries because the benefits get paid out based on salary. Paid monthly.
  • Short and/or long-term Disability Insurance
  • Accidental death and dismemberment insurance
  • Retirement related - a question unto itself.
  • Aflac options - No company costs. Everything is paid by the employee if they choose to opt-in to a policy option.
  • Bonuses - per project or annually or both.
  • Personal and vacation time - cost per month varies based on how you conceptualize it (calendar year, rolling year, carryover, how does tenure fit in, etc.). Hint 1: Calendar year without rollover in a large company is really good way to get nothing done in December when everyone reaches the point of "take the days or loose them." Hint 2: If you let them rollover forever you end up with people retiring with 1-2 years worth of paid vacation time owed them in a lump sum.
  • Family and medical leave - see federal law on requirements.
Obviously, an HR employees time to set-up and maintain these benefits is on top of these costs.

Other things to take into account when adding to your FTE count:

  • Payroll Taxes - ~8-9% of salary, will vary by state. Paid at the time of payroll processing.
  • Technology - Highly IT infrastructure dependent and there will probably be employee levels (the CEO always costs more than a call center representative). Don't forget desk phone, mobile phone, and software licenses. $1-2K initial cost minimum, a minimum of $70/month/user if you provide mobile phones, and a couple hundred dollars a year in anti-virus licenses, M$ upgrades (Exchange Server, Office, network accounts), and any other software seats you use (the most well-known example would be Salesforce).
  • Payroll processing - It's a fee per check per employee per pay period (26 pay periods/year), annual fees, and end of the year tax forms at a minimum. Maybe a minimum of ~$100/year/employee. Rates depend on payroll processor provider and number of employees. Paid each payroll period.
  • COBRA administration - It's completely worth contracting this out to avoid the regulatory and compliance hassles.
  • Worker's compensation insurance - required by law. Rates vary by state and risk classification of the work being done and don't get negotiated. Paid annually, but getting an interest free payment plan shouldn't be a problem if you want it.
  • Training time - training costs the time of their trainer and the employee(s) undergoing training.


Well-Known Member
Gosh, does this mean that Barack Obama does not have a passport, because you cannot get a passport with a CoLB. You must show a state certified birth certificate.


Well-Known Member
Gosh, does this mean that Barack Obama does not have a passport, because you cannot get a passport with a CoLB. You must show a state certified birth certificate.

why do people continue to be willingly difficult.


Well-Known Member

why do people continue to be willingly difficult.
Sorry dude, a CERTIFICATION of live birth is a very different thing than a CERTIFICATE of live birth. Obama has a CERTIFICATION not a CERTIFICATE. Proof:

To qualify for Identification even in Hawaii they require more than just a CERTIFICATION.

"In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth." the qualifications state. "This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL."



Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, a CERTIFICATION of live birth is a very different thing than a CERTIFICATE of live birth. Obama has a CERTIFICATION not a CERTIFICATE. Proof:

To qualify for Identification even in Hawaii they require more than just a CERTIFICATION.

"In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth." the qualifications state. "This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL."

HOW DO i PUT THIS... that piece of paper obama has already showed you is the piece of paper everybody that's born in hawaii uses for every instance they need to prove they were born in the united states. that + social security card is enough for EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE YOU NEED TO PROVE CITIZENSHIP. be it a private situation, a public transaction, or whatever.... if you have that piece of paper, and a social security card, NOBODY WOULD DOUBT YOUR CITIZENSHIP B/C IT'S ALL THE LEGAL PROOF ANYBODY CAN MUSTER.

it's this ONE instance it just isn't enough.


Well-Known Member
HOW DO i PUT THIS... that piece of paper obama has already showed you is the piece of paper everybody that's born in hawaii uses for every instance they need to prove they were born in the united states. that + social security card is enough for EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE YOU NEED TO PROVE CITIZENSHIP. be it a private situation, a public transaction, or whatever.... if you have that piece of paper, and a social security card, NOBODY WOULD DOUBT YOUR CITIZENSHIP B/C IT'S ALL THE LEGAL PROOF ANYBODY CAN MUSTER.

it's this ONE instance it just isn't enough.
Well you obviously did not read the whole post, try looking under the picture. Hawaii itself will NOT accept a certification as Identity. You need a Certificate. Most people born there have a Certificate, not a certification. This is a certificate of live birth and what it looks like.



Well-Known Member
nobody will accept a certification of live birth by itself.

you need that + a social security card with the same name, and that's enough for proof of identity in every single instance.

a bank could ask you for a photo-id. which if you don't have a notary on-site can certify your identity by lookng at the birth certificate or certificate of live birth, a social security card, and by taking a sworn statement.

not a lie....


Well-Known Member
this idea that the ONLY way to be sure you were born in the US is by having the original birth certificate present is erroneous...

and it selectively applies to barack obama... to nobody else....


Well-Known Member
haha, birthers.

be worried, everyone. a foreigner is giving you tax breaks!

nodrama, you are WAY smarter than this. you are being a tool.


Well-Known Member
nobody will accept a certification of live birth by itself.

you need that + a social security card with the same name, and that's enough for proof of identity in every single instance.

a bank could ask you for a photo-id. which if you don't have a notary on-site can certify your identity by lookng at the birth certificate or certificate of live birth, a social security card, and by taking a sworn statement.

not a lie....
WRONG AGAIN! You cannot get a SS card without a Birth Certificate and you certainly cannot get a passport without one either.

Social Security:
Citizenship or immigration status:
We can accept only certain documents as proof of U.S. citizenship. These include a U.S. birth certificate, U.S. consular report of birth, U.S. passport, Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship. If you are not a U.S. citizen, Social Security will ask to see your current U.S. immigration documents. Acceptable documents include your:
  • Form I-551 (includes machine-readable immigrant visa with your unexpired foreign passport);
  • I-94 with your unexpired foreign passport; or
  • Work permit card from the Department of Homeland Security (I-766 or I-688B).
International students must present further documentation. For more information, see International Students And Social Security Numbers (Publication No. 05-10181).
Age: You must present your birth certificate if you have it or can easily obtain one.
From the Federal website explaining what you need to bring to get a passport

Submit Evidence of U.S. Citizenship
When applying for a U.S. passport in person, evidence of U.S. citizenship must be submitted with Form DS-11. All documentation submitted as citizenship evidence will be returned to you. These documents will be delivered with your newly issued U.S. passport or in a separate mailing.
Primary Evidence of U.S. Citizenship (One of the following):
Previously issued, undamaged U.S. Passport
Certified birth certificate issued by the city, county or state*
Naturalization Certificate
Certificate of Citizenship
*A certified birth certificate has a registrar's raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, registrar's signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar's office, which must be within 1 year of your birth. Please note, some short (abstract) versions of birth certificates may not be acceptable for passport purposes.

Beginning April 1, 2011, all birth certificates must also include the full names of the applicant's parent(s). For more information, please see New Requirement for all U.S. Birth Certificates.
NOTE: If you do not have primary evidence of U.S. citizenship or your U.S. birth certificate does not meet the requirements, please see Secondary Evidence of U.S. Citizenship.
A Certification is a short abstract of a Certificate, it doesn't pass muster.