Well-Known Member
Watch the deficit dwindle away now.

lol.Watch as the goods you buy become so expensive no one can afford them anymore! See how many jobs go overseas. Imports will increase. We'll print more money. Finally the dollar will become worthless. Fuck Bush, go Messiah Irishman!
A stimuless has never worked either, anywhere, ever, but that didn't stop Obummer.lol.
trickle down economics don't work, if they did, we would not have had a recession
It worked wonderfully.A stimuless has never worked either, anywhere, ever, but that didn't stop Obummer.
it worked wonderfully.
Yeah, Cuba definitely isn't poor because of our cold war era sanctions and embargoes. At least they somehow managed better statistical health than the rest of the west.funny how bush is still to blame;. the left has never been to blame for anything. just encouraging our youth to want hand outs. a welfare state. ohbamma has added 5 trillion tothe dedt. but does he get a pass from our media? of course!! he is a messiah!! buisness exp? nope. former senator, or even mayor? nope. he has no idea how to do anything, except harness the hate twards anyone with two dimes to rub togeather. this is old. we need a a new fresh person. one with experience in buis. they should run this country like a buis! and get us back in the black. and out of the red. but, we were taught by the media (look at how poor their ratings are!!-lol), to hate the wealthy. tax em. tax em more. if i were paying near half of what i made, id be looking for loopholes to! so, maybe if we continu this crap, and the cradle to grave mentality, maybe we can finally get whats left of our buisnesses (who employ those who arent to lazy, or cant pass a pee test), to move out of the country!- then we can REALLY ask what happened to the jobs?! class warfare dont work. it only works in socialist nations, and, after becomming sociailst, look at em now!!! lol! greece. they all want their welfare checks!! how about the fact that we are the best, because we (used to have) a good work ethic? i know. i know. if they can spened a dime on a bomb, maybe they can afford to buy us all new grow equipment. so we can evade taxs, (we do), like the rich!! tax em . just not me. just not me.......them. not me. thats the attitude. i still have never had a lower income person offer me a job!!! dont worry. i used to have the vietnam era mentality too. but, after liveing life, and getting somewhere, after i started WORKING. then now i see whats going on. but, maybe i should have my struff taken, and given to someone with a little less cash than me??? castro also spoke of "equality", like ohbama. and he was a success! all now are "EQUALY POOR". sweet, aye??
I'm not taking about that. Increased tax burden is an increased cost. Those costs get built into the goods greedy business owners produce and we buy. Which in turn causes what I said. What's your solution? Lock down the borders and implement North Korean policies!lol.
trickle down economics don't work, if they did, we would not have had a recession
Just curious, how are they going to come up with enough money to pay for the armed forces, when production jobs are handled by machines that can't be taxed?The Obama administration on Wednesday acknowledged a wide-ranging definition of “green jobs” that includes bus driver, bicycle-shop clerk and other unexpected lines of employment, which the chairman of the GOP-led House oversight committee said is being done for “clearly political purposes.”
GOP Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, made the assertion during a hearing on how the administration counts so-called green jobs and the Labor Department’s recent change to how reporters can access key unemployment reports and other information.
The Labor Department "has jeopardized the integrity of employment data in some cases for clearly political reasons," he said.
Issa suggested the administration is reclassifying such jobs to prove that billions of taxpayer dollars, through the federal stimulus program, have created green, or environmentally-focused jobs – a major initiative for President Obama.
“It’s about politics. It’s always been about politics,” said Issa, R-Calif. “If you work at the Salvation Army, that’s a green job.”
When Bureau of Labor Statistics Acting Commissioner John Galvin balked on what qualifies as a green job under the agency definition, Issa responded, “Just answer the question.”
“Does someone who sweeps the floor at a company that makes solar panels -- is that a green job?” Issa asked.
“Yes,” replied Galvin, who also acknowledged that a bike-repair shop clerk, a hybrid-bus driver, any school bus driver and “the guy who puts gas in a school bus” are all defined as green jobs.
Just curious, how are they going to come up with enough money to pay for the armed forces, when production jobs are handled by machines that can't be taxed?
Please tell everyone again how much each one of them jobs cost the government to "create".It worked wonderfully.
When it came time to pick sides.......Cuba chose wrong. Not our problem.Yeah, Cuba definitely isn't poor because of our cold war era sanctions and embargoes. At least they somehow managed better statistical health than the rest of the west.
When it came time to pick sides.......Cuba chose wrong. Not our problem.
Fuck Cuba.
I wonder which one idolizes the other more?
The owners of the machines are taxed for whatever profit they produce.Just curious, how are they going to come up with enough money to pay for the armed forces, when production jobs are handled by machines that can't be taxed?
The owners of the machines are taxed for whatever profit they produce.