No matter how big the branch is you can still make it a clone right?


Well-Known Member
I have a branch thats been in veg for like 2 months and it like as thick as a nickle its still safe to clone right? as long as i do it right. I dont wanna risk taking this big of a branch off then having it die a couple mins later lmao


Well-Known Member
can someone just say yes or no damn, if you say yes or no with some knowledge ill give you rep shit lmao


Well-Known Member
I mean, a super small branch is obviously going to be more difficult to clone, but given that it has enough leaf to support itself, then yes, it does not matter how much stem is there.


Well-Known Member
Too big isnt good either- If the plant has too many leaves and can support itself well enough with photosynthesis, it may not root. Sometimes leaves need to be removed or trimmed from a clone so that it doesnt soak up too much light.


Well-Known Member
you could cut the top half off of a fully veged plant and clone it out... the bigger it is the more chance it has of rooting.