Hmmmmm....ok, thank ya Big the extra pics help! So, if you're adding 5ml calmag/gallon and the problem is still persisting, I would try increasing the PH of your water up to 6.0-6.5. Basically, if adding that much calmag isn't solving the problem, it means that for some reason your plant's roots aren't able to uptake the nutrients properly. Calcium and Magnesium absorb best above 6.0 in coco and hydro. This is, of course, assuming that is the issue. If it doesn't help at all, you'll know that it probably isn't calmag related. Also, make sure your calmag product has iron. Cal or Mag being offset can cause iron to be imbalanced and vice versa. If doing as I mentioned above doesn't fix the issue, then I would try increasing your base nutrients a bit. Maybe from 1000ppm to 1200ppm. But I'd only do that if increasing the PH doesn't help. Hopefully someone more experieneced in coco will stop by and chime in incase I'm missing something here.