nitrogen deficiency?


roughly 5 week old plushberry. topped at 2nd node about 2 weeks ago. Roots organics soil with lime and some earthworm castings mixed in. Have been giving some big bloom every watering for last couple of weeks. just gave it its first dose of grow big last watering after transplant. Im thinking nitrogen def because it was not fed any until recently... any help appreciated001.jpg002.jpg


o and under a 400 watt diglux mh. temps are 78-81. humidity 60-70. ph has been fine. The new batch of soil with the lime added has only sat for 2 days so i dont think the lime has really had time to effect it yet.. so should i just ph so my runoff is around 6.5 and just adjust as the lime sets in? I have a bunch of different plants all showing same signs.