Nitrogen deficiency, help appriciated!


Hi all!

I am growing a couple of white widows and jack herers. They are now in flowering week 2. Unfortuanly almost every plant is showing lack of nitrogen, with the lower leaves getting yellow. :/ Two days ago I added a fertilizer with some more nitrogen in it. But the leaves are still getting yellower! So far it's not too bad, only the bottom leaves. But my plants haven't showed any improvements yet! Everyday the affected leaves are getting more and more yellow. And on one of the plant the yellowing have begun to spread to the next set of leaves. :sad:

What should I do? I foliar feeded them 10 minutes ago with my fertilizer (NPK 2-1-3, I know you shouldn't mist plants when they are in flowering, but I made sure no water was touching the buds and only the larger leaves).

How many days before improvement? How much does my plants need to suffer before they'll be feeling better?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
is this for real ?

never folie feed flowering plants ...

cut nitrogen for flowering plants .. they dont need it .. atlest after the fist two weeks of flowering (the stretch)
will only make problems with hermi or foxtaling for you late in flowering if you continue to feed em ... and tast/burn pretty bad ..

and its normal for a flowering plant to get yellow fan leaves ..dont worry .. it just use up its food depots (lower fan leaves)
so its normal for a flowering plant to get yellow leaves .. starting a few weeks in .. at the bottom and spread up ..
(try to look around at some Pics of flowering plants)

just remove em as they die and get brown .. dont pull hard .. then just leave em a day more .. need to be compltly yellow or the plant will still use up food in em)

if I schould give you advice base on your info and no pics ..

and your two weeks in flowering ..

just let em yellow .. remove em as they are close to fall off .. cut all nitrogen now .. start on a high P. Nutriens .. also need a littel K ..
and get some balck strap molesse (if your in soil ?) will do wonders for your soil/buds ..

and most importent .. do a lot of research/reading ..

I must have used atlest a few hours a day for a few days .. for each stages of my grow .. reading about what I could expect and what could be done and what to look out for etc. ... and I did that research a week up front .. its not that hard .. google is a great tool ..


Active Member
why never foliar feed flowering, if sativa 12 week flower does taste affect 10 even 6 weeks later? Or are there mould freaks here, if taste ill stop just worried about mould no


Well-Known Member
yea mold is the main reason to stop misting your plants when they start to flower ..

actualy .. insted .. get a extra fan in ther .. prune the bottom bud sites and yellow fan leaves for air circulation ..

and if your RH is on more then 50% .. see if you can get it down on atlest 40% .. most like it on 30% or so .. to avoid mold and fungus aso...

also .. only reason for misting is to provide some extra moist for young plants if you have low RH (lower then 40% I would say)

if you can keep RH on +50% ther is`t realy a reason to mist after the fist two weeks .. fist two weeks misting can help small seedlings .. since ther root net is so small .. the extra water will help em .. (remember to mist as fine as possible and underneed the leaves .. that is wher the plant breath)

as for foila feeding/adding nuts ..

I only see it as sumthing you schould do if you see a defesiense and want to correct it right away/asap.

nuts work atlest as well in the soil .. that is wher mine go .. actualy they are allready in ther .. so I just use plain rain water ..

only a littel super thrive in veg. and some molesses in flowering ..

beside that its mostly pure rain water unless I see it needs sumthing .. then I got my guano tea ..

and only thing I add for my misting I do them fist two weeks .. is some water agent .. to break the water tension so the plant can take up the water more easy .. wet betty is a nice product .. tho I use Yucca as its purly organic ..

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
why never foliar feed flowering, if sativa 12 week flower does taste affect 10 even 6 weeks later? Or are there mould freaks here, if taste ill stop just worried about mould no
u can foliar feed in flower. people do it all the time.
imo the best time to foliar feed is a couple hours before light come on.


Active Member
Im on THC Bloom nutes, made especially for flowering, I assume ok, but I put in every feed but should I be doing one feed nutes 2 ph water? Also I have roots in water resoivoir at bottom with oxygen stone, does this change the feeding regime? 3 Gallon pot, perlite,



Well-Known Member
Sounds to me that your original post said the leaves are turning yellow from the bottom during flower. This is normal and not an issue. I look for them and after a couple days I trim those very yellow leaves. Dont cut them by the stalk cut them by the flower and let the stem die and fall off on its own.

I dont see that you hve a problem with what is going on. It happens, the plant knows it does not need them and it redirects it energy is all.


Ey ey, calm down everyone. I didn't even wet the buds or anything, I just misted the largest leaves while I holded my hand infront of the buds to protect them from the waterdrops! :) And no worries, I have two fans and about 32% RH, and also a really good exhaust-fan.

I know plants are getting yellow in their flowering-phase, but it's only been two weeks in flowering. Is it really normal that all the leaves are geting yellower and yellower from bottom and crawling upwards? This short into flowering?
Here you can see a picture:

Also I do have a special nutrient for flowering, but I got really worried when suddenly all the leaves started to getting yellow so short period of time in the flowering-phase.