nitrogen deficiency early in flower??


Well-Known Member
Here some info about autos and nitrogen. Nice looking plant.


When autoflower cannabis starts to flowers it doesn’t need as much nitrogen anymore. Nitrogen mainly increases growth of stems, leafs and other green mass but when a plant starts flowering you need it to stay the same size and pump energy in flowers not other features. When flowering starts you need to change your fertilizer to something where nitrogen isn’t the biggest element anymore and that should slow down the green matter growth and increase flower production.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Add a bit of N or a bit of your veg nutes in with your bloom nutes. In another 2 weeks that would be fine, but hold it off with a mild N supplement. I'm dealing the the same thing right now, a couple of plants really want almost veg levels of N, will give them what they ask for until 2-3 weeks to go.