Nitrogen Deficiency? Could it bee?


Active Member
Below are a couple of plants and I dont know what the problem could be. The bottom leaves are browning and looking almost dead. Some of the upper leaves are drying up too. Its not cause the soil is dry because thats not the case. I have not started using nutrients yet. They are about 1 month old right now.




Well-Known Member
Mate, pull one out, change nothing else, and see if it improves within 2-5days. If yes, you have a toxic environment, if not, nothing lost.
Good luck


Active Member
Mate, pull one out, change nothing else, and see if it improves within 2-5days. If yes, you have a toxic environment, if not, nothing lost.
Good luck
should I put it in plain soil or ad nutrients. What type of nutes should I be using at this point?


Active Member
Some possibilities that I've been thing about...
Could it be from spray paint fumes last weekend?
Could it be from having them in miracle grow soil mix?
Could it be from too much or not enough water?
What is the best soil to plant these in?
Could they still be in shock from the transplant five days ago?
These are all things that have occurred when the plants started to look this way.

Do you guys think they'll get better?

Thanks again for everyones help.


Well-Known Member
let me know the stats of your temp/humidity/ etc.
blow fresh air, and start to use nutes. have u decided which ones you'll use? I am using NSR Greenleaves, GROW, BLOOM & BOOST, 3 separate ones that are all easy for newbies because all premixed and contain everything your plants need. Start w/ about 1/4 strength for the first week, then go to 1/2, then will be great :) I did this and they slowly starting turning dark green and shot up. If urs are 1 month old they prob need nutes!

They look pretty darn healthy...sometimes those first leaves die off. Check out my grow for tips :) & good luck


Active Member
let me know the stats of your temp/humidity/ etc.
blow fresh air, and start to use nutes. have u decided which ones you'll use? I am using NSR Greenleaves, GROW, BLOOM & BOOST, 3 separate ones that are all easy for newbies because all premixed and contain everything your plants need. Start w/ about 1/4 strength for the first week, then go to 1/2, then will be great :) I did this and they slowly starting turning dark green and shot up. If urs are 1 month old they prob need nutes!

They look pretty darn healthy...sometimes those first leaves die off. Check out my grow for tips :) & good luck
Thanks blue and everyone.
My temp has been between 70 - 86
My humidy has been as low as 40% and as high as 60%.
Any more feedback is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Thanks blue and everyone.
My temp has been between 70 - 86
My humidy has been as low as 40% and as high as 60%.
Any more feedback is greatly appreciated.
Also, how often should I water them?
How much water each time?
And how often should I give them nutes and how much of the nutes.
I don't know my ph but I've been using distiller water.

Thanks again.