Nitrogen Defficency?

Hello, 2 of my plants lower leaves have turned a yellowish color and dont seem to be growing, i checked the plant problems part of the forum and i cant exactly tell if this is nitrogen defficency or something else, can someone help please?:dunce:


th33 pharmacist

Active Member
it is your baby leaves and they will always yellow and die on a astablished plant. if the leaves begin to yellow and rise up the plant it is most often n deff
hope that helps.
ah okay that makes sense, yeah cuz all the other leaves on the plant are very green and looking really healthy, this plant isnt big at all and already has 7 fingers on some of the leaves

th33 pharmacist

Active Member
yeah it is very normal, best of luck and you will need ferts soon enough. i would go organic because it is pretty hard to nute burn.


Well-Known Member
It is N Defficiency for sure. A plant grows upward which means when a plant needs nutrients for new growth it takes it from the bottom of the plant when the roots themselves can no longer supply it. Basically the top of your plant is draining its roots for Nitrogen and when the roots run out of Nitrogen it takes the Nitrogen from the next part above the roots which are your first set of sun leaves. As long as you plants are at least 3 - 4 weeks old you can feed them a Nitrogen Supplement such as Blood Meal or Freeze-Dried Blood Worms. This won't fix the leaves that are already yellow although it will prevent future growth from being defficient of Nitrogen.
I have spread a bit of bat guano on the surface of the soil about 10 days ago, but have not mixed it in just spread ontop, im preety sure this plant is about a month old im not exactly sure my friend gave it to me about 2 weeks ago, it already had those little yellowed leaves when i received it.