Nirvana's Raspberry Cough ** PICS AND LOTS OF UPDATES TO FOLLOW **


Well-Known Member

I have been posting updates on the indoor forum and decided to start a journal from here on out. I am just starting week 5 of flower. My plant is short, about 22" or so and has been topped using UB's 4 cola method.

I will be adding pics and updates every other day or so. :-P


150 hps
grow tent
FFOF soil
Nirvana soil tab for veg nutes. Nirvana flower tab for flower nutes.
3.5 weeks vegged.
Carbon filter, inline duct fan/booster


Day 29 flower:



Well-Known Member
Looks good grower! Your a ninja! Subscribed!

I just got my 150w hps/175w MH box set up, an I cant wait tell i can see what shes capable of.
Nirvana makes some good seed ive grown the ak48 an NL an they were hella kind.

How tall was she when you started flowering? Im worried about stretch under the hps.


Well-Known Member
The funny thing, is this is supposed to be a SATIVE dominant strain yet she has been shorter than any plant I have grown. The key is the topping which keeps her SHORT. When I started flowering, she was maybe 8". Grew to about 22". She did not stretch much cause I keep the light right on her, about 3" away with no ill effects. I also have complimentary side lighting with 2 40watt CFLs. Temps stay about 80-84 too.


Well-Known Member

Got my temps a bit lower now and just have to wait it out now. I keep trimming underneath every other day to get rid of pop-corn buds to let devlopment go to the main 4 colas. Not even messing with that shit this time. All I want is 4 rock-hard buds at the end which weigh near 1/2 oz. a piece. My goal anyway.


Well-Known Member
Watered again this afternoon. Seems to be an everyday thing now. A few more pics from today, out of her cage lol.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
*** Day 34 flower ***

Watered in am again. A couple of quick picks from in the tent. I think this one will be an early finisher, maybe 9 weeks. We will see.


Well-Known Member
*** DAY 36. START OF WEEK 6 ***


A few more pics of my lady in her tent. Although Raspberry Cough is a 9 - 11 week flower strain, I am leaning more towards 9 weeks on this one. She is getting the late flower leaf drop and buds are already decent size with 4 weeks at least left....:weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Here is another update from me. Day 38 flower. Buds really packing on size and this one could go 9 - 11 weeks from the stain info. I really don't think much past 9 weeks. Anyone else wanna chime in?

Pistols starting to brown and I really think she might be an early finisher if anyone could give me some input..



Well-Known Member


Another update from me. Things going good and still packin on weight. Here are a few shots in her tent, to much of a hassle getting her out unless I am giving her water......I am thinking 3 weeks tops...Any guesses?



Well-Known Member
Day 45 Flower

Hey gang,

Here are some pics from tonight out of her cage. You can see how fat my buds are getting and I got almost 3 weeks left or so. Sorry about some pics being blurry, but I took them in a hurry to get her ready for bed:-PEasily getting 2 zips here....Enjoy!!



that was looking fantastic, any more pics or updates? Was this the regular or feminized version? How is the smell during flower? I was considering a sativa for a small scrog type grow