

Well-Known Member
:cry::cry:just come back from a weeks holiday to find the person i left in charge of my girls has over watered them,bent two nearly in half,my prize channel+ has bud rot on the main cola and my paki kush was squashed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my god how much damage can someone do in 1 week? anyway ive cut out the rot but im a little concerned about the bent ones ive strapped em up by the damaged area will this screw up yield considering they are in their 5 week of flowering


Active Member
I had overwatering and overnuting probs.. i did exactly wut you did and I bought this foliar spray (I wont name the brand but its black and smells like soja) im from the bc are and its locally made.. and they recovered in 2 - 3 days .. can u give us a bit more detail about ur grow? oh and maybe a run of advanced nutrients revive.. you can use it as foliar spray too.. i would be able to tell a bit more but i have absolutely no details here dude maybe a bit more info?


Well-Known Member
yeh im not gonna spray anything onto them toooo scared of bringing it back, i think ive nipped it early enuff that it hasnt spread. im more pissed about the bent ones cos they looked so sweet! ill get some pics on there 2mrw