Night use and day use strain suggestions needed


My wife was just approved for MM. She has a degenerative disk disease in her back that has resulted in 4 herniated disks that have been operated on. She also just had a bad accident of a Lisfranc fracture of her foot. Basically, her toes bent under her foot and touched her heel. Ouch!! That has been operated on and she has 2 more surgeries to go before recovery can begin. The last qualifier is her anxiety due to a violent sexual assault a few years ago that, along with the pain from the above ailments, prevents her from sleeping more than a couple of hours a night.

I think, unless you guys recommend something else, we have settled on Aurora Indica or Papaya for her nighttime use, to relieve the pain and help her sleep. What we are hung on is a strain that could be used in the morning to relieve pain but not make her couch locked. She is a stay at home mom but still needs to be able to care for the kids and do some minor running around through the week.

This is my first post and I have been looking at weed for the grand total of 2 days now. I smoked some as a teen but it was whatever was there. I had no idea there were so many strains. Please take it easy on this newb.

Saw this on another thread, may help...

"I try to help when I can.

Anyone who graduated to toking after the very low grade over-dried pressed Mexican brickweed era, who for some inexplicable reason want and need to believe that all Mexican grown strains where always like that will never believe me but if some of those old school Mexican strains could be found and marketed the person doing it could really cut into the profits of the companies that make Xanax and Valium and Prozac and Paxil etc.

When strains from Colombian and Panama and Africa and Laos etc. replaced the good Mexican strains, largely because by then ignorant Mexican growers had polluted their pure strains with indica strains attempting to increase yields, in a way something very good was lost. The other strains, for the most part, were more potent but they were also different, they gave a totally different high. A group of friends could smoke some of those strains and spend hours contemplating God and the meaning to life or why a butterfly was named a butterfly, because it does not eat butter, it does not produce butter, few look anything like butter, etc. etc. etc. or they would write anti-war peace songs ... it made them very introspective and everything was a wonderment worthy of hours of contemplation.

But the good old Mexican strains put a BIG smile on your face and made you happy and relaxed and everything was cool and the gang. Only a few could compete on a potency level with the other strains, but with a good Mexican you could toke up, go to work and love whatever you did but not be so high that you had trouble functioning or performing your duties proficiently and or safely.

We used to call many of the different unnamed strains of Mexican giggle-weed. Everything was fun, they were not speedy or racy and did not produce paranoia, and did the exact opposite but without a couch-lock effect. Many, if they still exist today and could be found and marketed, would make fantastic anti-anxiety strains. They would be perfect for people like over-stressed moms that have to keep a clear head to take care of the kids and safely drive them soccer or hockey or baseball practice or games and not burn dinner, or bus drivers that are stressed keeping a schedule and putting up with the riders, or Wall Street traders with ulcers who would need a clear head and be able to think and react quickly. They would be perfect for people who need to be fully functional at all times but who are overstressed and need something that would relax them, calm them down and make them forget their problems and worries and all the things that cause them stress ... and make them find fun in everything short of being in a bad car accident.

Due to the desire for increased potency I can see why some Mexican strains fell out of fashion, but now when we are in the early stages of medicinal marijuana use some of them would be a real Godsend too many people if they could be found again, if they still exist anywhere anyway." - BRICK TOP

stress and anxiety isn't a problem during the day, only at night. The indica should knock her out at night solving that problem. The problem during the day is the pain. How to relieve the pain without drilling her into the floor.
My wife was just approved for MM. She has a degenerative disk disease in her back that has resulted in 4 herniated disks that have been operated on. She also just had a bad accident of a Lisfranc fracture of her foot. Basically, her toes bent under her foot and touched her heel. Ouch!! That has been operated on and she has 2 more surgeries to go before recovery can begin. The last qualifier is her anxiety due to a violent sexual assault a few years ago that, along with the pain from the above ailments, prevents her from sleeping more than a couple of hours a night.

I think, unless you guys recommend something else, we have settled on Aurora Indica or Papaya for her nighttime use, to relieve the pain and help her sleep. What we are hung on is a strain that could be used in the morning to relieve pain but not make her couch locked. She is a stay at home mom but still needs to be able to care for the kids and do some minor running around through the week.

This is my first post and I have been looking at weed for the grand total of 2 days now. I smoked some as a teen but it was whatever was there. I had no idea there were so many strains. Please take it easy on this newb.


I like the Aurora Indica idea for nighttime. For day, I have had people say my Ice is a good daytime smoke. I like to harvest it while all trichs are cloudy, not too many amber trichs, that way, it should stay fairly heady for her, not a massive couchlock. It may take a little experimenting for you guys, but you will find a good daytime weed, or a way to grow your Aurora Indica so that it can act as her daytime (when harvested a little early) and nighttime (when harvested with 50 percent cloudy, 50 percent amber). Good luck, hope it works out as well as possible!
Strawberry cough wont make her forget about the pain it will distract her so it isnt forefront in her head and it will make her a little more "lifted and shiny" if that makes sense.
I am a RA sufferer and my night time smoke is White Russian... I am currently using Orange bud as a daytime... another set you down day wrecker is Train Wreck.... have grown out Chronic and Northern Lights... NL a good swithc up...