Night or Day


Well-Known Member

Have always heard that it is better to harvest in the morning(of the light cycle) versus mid day or end of day...I guess they(who the fuck is they?) claim that the midday heat breaks down the potency of the thc and at night the potency is this true.....Ive just always chopped when it was convienent for me not even thinking of the light cycle.....I've even interupted the dark cycle to harvest.
Anyone have any input or experience on this??????:blsmoke::mrgreen::peace:
hmm i have heard that also but alot of ppl seem to say to leave the plants in the dark for 24hrs before the chop.
i think the reasons iv seen given are usually increased resin production.
i think more likely than not, even if there is science behind it, it would be a difference in potency of no discernible amount.

there are many stories and "methods" that claim to increase potency but at the end of the day if they were true, most likely we'd all know them already
hmm i have heard that also but alot of ppl seem to say to leave the plants in the dark for 24hrs before the chop.
i think the reasons iv seen given are usually increased resin production.
Was considering doing this as I am growing widow and rhino now and heard that this was a must do for these strains...GHSC claims 8wks 12/12 then two more weeks of 24hr darkness.....2 weeks seems a little crazy!!! I was thinking more 24-48 hrs....but how much of a difference can it really be???
Lights usually come on at 6pm....just pulled the plug on the timer....this is my first try at this and I will probably harvest early monday it will be like 36-40hrs darkness...we'll see....if I could ever figure out how to upload photos I would post some pics once I pulled them out to chop, but oh well..
thats what i was thinkin.................branches are already falling over....i couldnt imagine two more weeks of uninterrupted,unatended darkness...Arjan from greenhouse is nutso
oh the guy that actually owns greenhouse said it...? where did you read that then link? like i said it sounded fuckin nuts but if he said it then il check that shit out cos he knos wht hes chattin about
thats what i was thinkin.................branches are already falling over....i couldnt imagine two more weeks of uninterrupted,unatended darkness...Arjan from greenhouse is nutso
go to attitude seed bank....ghsc.....white the description..........i think hes still nuts
naa thats not actually him saying that its som fucktard at attitude thats written that shit, clearly dnt know what he's on about as it starts off saying ww will grow tall then later on says it only grows 35-80cm.
prehappps try reducing to 8? but really lookin at the rest of it looks like it was written by a fool.
alrite tell me if u do actually notice any difference wht so ever in resin or anything else
harvested two(widows) of the four last night.....cant say I have noticed any difference....they look like they did when I saw em just before the lights went out.....I will say it kinda makes it a pain to trim cause everything is a little droopy...I guess because of the shock from the darkness.....oh well.....two(rhinos) to go
the extra darkness might give it a head start in the cure
but too much (2 weeks) will cause it to die
that could explain it all
i know this sounds stupid but i still havent figured out how to upload pics to RIU....ive even resized them all to under 80kb and when i try to upload i get a red "X" next to the filename and it says error....some help would be cool