nicotine persticede help please


Well-Known Member
k so im ready to make my pesticide. this wnt be harmful to my plant rite? so i need 4 marboro red cig. let the tabbacco soak for 24 hours. boil it then. let cool then what? thanks


Well-Known Member
I used American Spirit organic tobacco, the loose stuff, because it doesn't have a bunch of other crap in it. 10grams/liter hot (or boiling) water, let it steep overnight. Strain it, then spray a fine mist over your plants, undersides as well. It will smell like a fucking ashtray. Try not to get it on your skin.


Well-Known Member
nah bt for animals i suggest dog hair. throw all around your plant and the perimeter . and piss by it too


Well-Known Member
what about mixing soap with it how much?
I got some Ivory soap and shaved some flakes off. I don't know... enough to make it a little sudsy, but not foaming or enough to make a lather. Less than teaspoon for me, but my water is pretty hard, you might have to use less (or more).