Nichia 757 optisolis vs samsung lm301 leds


Well-Known Member
Any thoughts on these 2 diods? I've seen nichia ran tests on Samsung's lm301 proving they don't get the performance Samsung claims but of course they would say that.
Nichia are made in Japan and claiming some crazy numbers like 3.0 umols/j and a cri of 98 - 100
Anyone have experience or knowledge with the nichia 757 optisolis?
Cutter and Grow Lights Australia have boards with the optisolis chips. Not a huge amount of grow reports but they seem very promising.
Yeah that's where I seen them, an they do seem very promising but as you said i can't find too much info about them or anyone using them.
Do you have a link for those?
I heard of them and was looking for strips but can't seem to find strips in particular
jejeje...pillinnn...yo prefiero oir otras preferencias de bros...
...y creo saber unas cuantas por anticipado...
...aunque en osram horticultural hay info...y en fluence...aunque registrandote...
...lo bueno con osram es que puedes conseguir ies files los leds que son curiosos para cultivar...y jugar con dialux...

leistes el AN133?...

AN133_LEDs for horticultural lighting applications.pdf
Claro, yo solo intetento satisfacer la demanda de los clientes mas alla de mis preferencias personales. No estoy al tanto del AN133 ? Que es ??
The spectrum has 3000k cri 90 , 3500 k cri 80 and oslon ssl 660 nm. They where mounted by I machine , a just dising the strip configuration.
Nichia will release new leds based on the GE Trigain phosphors which will lift efficacy of 90 CRI to the same level as 80 cri
if you need help making strips, we just commissioned a new smt system
Nichia will release new leds based on the GE Trigain phosphors which will lift efficacy of 90 CRI to the same level as 80 cri
if you need help making strips, we just commissioned a new smt system
When do you expect they'll be available to buy on strips?