NFT vs. Dripper Systems


Hi Guys,

Ive just had a fairly good yield from my first grow using soil but i think i want to switch to hydroponics for my next grow to get an even better yield.

My question is fairly basic, in that i want to figure out what is the best hydroponic method. Im looking for something that is suitable for a noob like me and i think im either going to go for a 4 pot dripper system or an NFT tank large enough for 4 plants. Im just wondering which would give the best yield.

All posts are greatly appreciated, even if its just an oppinion!

Noble Gas

Well-Known Member
I started out with ebb and flow and it was pretty easy. I was able to yield a few O's with a 400w hps.

I havent had any experience with drip system but people on here say the hoses eventually clog. If anything don't buy one online those are a rip off. You can build your own at a fraction of the cost.

Hydro requires a lot more attention and the start up costs are a lot more than a soil grow. But if done right the rewards are worth it.