Next set - time to put to flower


Well-Known Member
Not often I show my plants on there own ,so thought I would do a post on ttem.These are clones from the last set that i flowered,but got rid of the phenos i did not take to.But i dropped a right changer with one of the two stardawgs I had.I got rid of one early in flowering ,because it was just not slowing down in vertical growth.It looked really stretched out ,but shit it has to be one of the biggest producers that I've done so far .Real nice bud also ,it could have really done with a bit longer. But it's a problem when your doing multiple strains in the one room,and that room is also a drying room .So here are a few details of how I grew these clones.Took the clones just before the plants went on 12/12 off in the main room,took around 2 week to get a nice set of roots ,through the larger cubes.Then they went into 60/40 coco clay pebbles ,really for voids in the medium.Let more air get to the root system,once in flower they get a air ring in bottom of auto pot any how.These get a litre of water a day,want them searching for moisture ,creates better roots.First week after putting into the t5 room with a 3 ft fluorescent day light blue spec tube has well on the back wall .There on 1.1 ec then second week 1.2 ec right through to flowering,that's when I put them up one last time to 1.3 ec.They stay on that right through ,these have all been topped through the 6 week veg ,4 times every single top even sides.I will top the main stem just so those sides can catch the top up more if needs be.The t5 is only a 3 ft x 4 tubes ,all I have used for past 7 year .And the plants love both rooms.I need to really repair both rooms ,there looking shabby .Had a breeder friend from Holland come over for week other week for some photography work I'm doing him ,and he simmed my rooms up .They have character, dont change them to much lol.He has took the last of the livers x Exodus seeds I had ,he is working on a project at the minute that sounds really interesting.Plus he is a good man ,works a lot with the plant medically.He loved these must admit ,more so the sherbert pheno I have now,and the stardawg.Think I'm doing away with the purple strawberry sherbert.Not because it ain't a great looking plant or the smokes not tasty because dam fine end product.It is just out of sink with the others I run ,far more indica dom,so that means it's never gonna reach it's full potential, in my room.But I may do one last led tent grow with it before I let it go.These are the plants ,going in Saturday.20200220_120304.jpg20200220_120221.jpg20200220_120153.jpg20200220_120439.jpg20200220_120117.jpg
Bottom up wards
Stardawg f2
Purple strawberry sherbert f1
Blue sherbert f1
Blue sherbert f2
All 4 in the room ,made the veg unit my self around 10 year ago now.not sure whats going on with plug seed bank atm. Ever thing is out of stock .
I'm hoping that its not gonna be a case i seen before ,that they just son't release the strains again or they start a new line.I ordered some new stuff yesterday ,some nice strains for the one after these have done .Loving some of these new lines though must admit ,i think i got caught up in exodus livers jack herer for to long ,that is not to say i will not be going back to them ,because i will.Seeds will be getting popped the minute that these go to flower.This will mean that i have plants ready to flower in 9 week again ,Loving grizzly seed bank,just new strains that all ways seem to produce the good,and i have run a fair few now .
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