Next set and cbg the white and regular cbd seeds (hemp)


Well-Known Member
Been smoking the white a while now to treat my glachoma - really do think its far better feeling has well far more relaxing and also social to start with over cbd .Its been brilliant - it was costing me 50 quid a week to buy this cbg then they hopefully made the mistake of leaving two seeds in it - its traced back to grower of medical flowers in Spain so thank you.I have had seeds from bags before and they have always done OK.The other 3 are just hemp from 5 kilo I had for fishing was told that they wouldn't germinate years ago they was wrong.i been growing it now for years on my bird table what birds had missed .Just never really flowered it out.This time I'm gonna see if I can sort somewhere for them - I'm going to clone to sex though.Others are wonder pie from greenhouse seeds, really nice strain smoking it before real high indica again I'm hoping ,also got a chemical bride has well really not up my street but i do like oil made from it so reason it's in the mix - so much work to do now tbh .I'm sick of buying black and white 20230205_162852.jpg20230205_162845.jpg20230205_162838.jpg20230205_162831.jpg
The test with the hemp bought for fishing so far picked two out of the 3 I had so its pretty much 50/50 with getting a female - but im hopeful with at least one of them - done stem rub on all 3 these two had the best smell by far almost skunky in smell funny enough.Not the normal fuel smell you get from cbd ,cbd actually does nothing for me.But since losing my mum I've started smoking again hence the search for a cbd strain - sick of paying silly money for cbd strains,the taller out of the two may be a male - in my experience the roller plants normally turn out to be male - but it will most likely be a female just to mess with me lol .I'm gonna only really be testing these two plants to see if there are females in this ,I was always told it was heat treated to effect the sex and stop them germinating so hope I prove them wrong.20230208_162755.jpg20230208_162749.jpg20230208_162545.jpg20230208_162415.jpg20230208_162408.jpg20230208_162201.jpg