News Reporter Arrested at DNC for....


Well-Known Member
...attempting to follow "The Money Trail"
ABC News: ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors

Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown Palace Hotel....

The sheriff's officer is seen telling Eslocker the sidewalk is owned by the hotel. Later, he is seen pushing Eslocker off the sidewalk into oncoming traffic, forcing him to the other side of the street.


Well-Known Member
The Republicans will be attempting the same stuff..... I'm sure someone will be arrested for doing the same as the reporter did.


New Member
That was a secret meeting between the DNC and corporate donors and lobbyists. They will be at both conventions and the press was notified in advance that they were not welcome.



Well-Known Member
That was a secret meeting between the DNC and corporate donors and lobbyists. They will be at both conventions and the press was notified in advance that they were not welcome.

Yes, the sky boxes at the stadium where the Coronation is to take place will offer full catered services and wet bars for said donors and lobbyists whereas the "commoners" in the stands will not be served alcohol. The Democratic Party is "The Party of The People", yes? ;) :lol:


Well-Known Member
You guys see the video of the codepink protester getting shoved onto the ground? I think he pushed her just a tad too hard eh?.


Well-Known Member
I saw that fuckin' shit, and the guy who posted it thought it was hilarious. He's a real pro-LE guy. He knows his reef aquarium and astronomy shit (some computer and gun stuff, too), but fuck if he's so God damned blinded by his admiration for 'the men in blue' that he just gets a fuckin' rock hard hard-on when he sees shit like this. It fucking PISSED ME OFF. They handled that reporter with kid gloves compared to what they did to that woman (and I'm not a huge fan of Codepink, but I do object to the war and they have a right to demonstrate and protest!). :evil:


Well-Known Member
I saw that fuckin' shit, and the guy who posted it thought it was hilarious. He's a real pro-LE guy. He knows his reef aquarium and astronomy shit (some computer and gun stuff, too), but fuck if he's so God damned blinded by his admiration for 'the men in blue' that he just gets a fuckin' rock hard hard-on when he sees shit like this. It fucking PISSED ME OFF. They handled that reporter with kid gloves compared to what they did to that woman (and I'm not a huge fan of Codepink, but I do object to the war and they have a right to demonstrate and protest!). :evil:
For sure. Then they had the nerve to arrest her..:roll: The guy arrested before her was thrown onto the ground too for doing, um.. nothing.. god forbid she inquire about his arrest...

Don't you love our freedoms?

There's a video on youtube as well of the pepper spraying on Monday night from an above view from the window of a nearby hotel.. fucking pigs used those things like super soakers.. now there's reports that of the ~100 arrested Monday night they weren't allowed to call their lawyers..

You better believe if there weren't cameras EVERYWHERE the pigs would have done even more shyt..

Surprised no one else hadn't mentioned any of this yet on the boards..


Well-Known Member
You guys see the video of the codepink protester getting shoved onto the ground? I think he pushed her just a tad too hard eh?.
shoved with a baton. i imagine the force was pretty strong, she hit the ground fast.

notice how she barely got a chance to say something to that lady, and quickly got taken away by 2 officers and completely disappeared inside the group of riot police.


Well-Known Member
Yes I do. And the Democratic Party is going to ensure that we retain our Constitutional rights. The ARE the party of the people after all...:lol:
Lmfao.. If I remember correctly Hitler was also all about 'change' and 'for the people'.. :mrgreen:

Ah yes.. Obama just loves our Constitutional rights.. well some of them anyways.


Well-Known Member
shoved with a baton. i imagine the force was pretty strong, she hit the ground fast.

notice how she barely got a chance to say something to that lady, and quickly got taken away by 2 officers and completely disappeared inside the group of riot police.
You just can't have her kind talking to the press, you must arrest them and change them with interference. :roll:

Anyone worried the time will come where these protesters don't come back?


Well-Known Member
I don't worry about that just yet, I worry about other things. Like the president calling in the National Guard to "control" people in my state, without our (elected by popular vote) governor's permission. Remember! Obama says that we need to be more like China! :D


Well-Known Member
I don't worry about that just yet, I worry about other things. Like the president calling in the National Guard to "control" people in my state, without our (elected by popular vote) governor's permission. Remember! Obama says that we need to be more like China! :D

Mh hm..

What do you think would happen though if people protested that?.. lol.. :evil:


Well-Known Member
Why, they'd be moved along. Directly into traffic maybe even.

There are three issues here; one of them sits firmly on the shoulders of the sheriff's department (or whichever department is responsible for these thugs) for the behavior of their police; one of them sits on the shoulders of the DNC; and the last sits on the shoulders of all who voted and didn't in America, as "we" are the ones who've voted in these assholes who vote on this shit. THEY voted in the Patriot Act, without fucking reading it! They voted in FISA, they vote in pay raises, they scratch backs, they have their backs scratched....

Yet collectively the people of the United States of Amnesia will not take personal responsibility, either for putting us collectively into this mess, or taking the collective steps necessary to get us OUT.

Milf, you might be interested in some of the writings and ideas of Andrew Bacevich.


Well-Known Member
I own American Empire, great book.. though I have yet to get his other books- my reading list is like 20 pages long.. lol.. whenever I get one done 5 more get added... LOL..

I'm with you.. self responsibility needs to come back- whether we like it or not, we are responsible for everything our government does, we allow all of it to happen, in our name no less.


New Member
So, is there any doubt left in anyone's mind who posts in this forum that we are being led down the road to fascism? Based upon the posts made in this thread by Seamaiden and MILF that they surely see it.



Well-Known Member
It is SO refreshing to see someone besides my husband (VTXDave is my hubster) understand and accept that. Even the people who actively vote usually deny any personal responsibility.

I just caught Mr. (is it Mr. or Colonel?) Bacevich on Bill Moyers Journal a couple weeks ago, and he really caught my attention. His demeanor, his words, his experiences. I should make myself a reading list, because I always forget what it was I wanted to read.


Well-Known Member
So, is there any doubt left in anyone's mind who posts in this forum that we are being led down the road to fascism? Based upon the posts made in this thread by Seamaiden and MILF that they surely see it.

There is no doubt in my mind, but clearly there are others who don't see it that way and who feel that the only reason we have the problems we do is because GW was voted in, twice. They fail to see that we stepped onto the slippery slope long, LONG before GW ever came into power, and honestly, in my estimation, had begun down that slope long before his birth.


Well-Known Member
I think we are already knee deep in fascism, they're just now bringing the monster to the surface so you can see it in plain daylight.

I do believe it is Colonel Bacevich Sea..

It's really fuckin' sad to see people refuse to take responsibility, and it's not just for what our government does- they live their whole lives like this. They mess up and it's always someone else's fault, someone else always needs to pick up the pieces.. I'm honestly sick of it..