NewHere looking for Bridgelux Eb-2 light build advice


New here and trying to be a sponge and soak up some knowledge. I still dont totally understand all of the LED electronics stuff, but I do know just enough to confuse me at times (most of the time).

I read Noodle-Leds thread and started to post there but Im not trying to take over a thread. His built is an awesome light with all the options, but its way more the I could manage to pull off.
I need some KISS____light build options____I just need help on figuring out my options. I have accumulated stuff over the years with the plans of building LED lights and to start gardening after retirement.

WILL this work?
Seven Bridgelux EB2 ran in series on Meanwell hlg185h-c1400b (I Hope I finally figured out the LED light build math)

20v x 7 strips = 140v , 140v x 1.4ma = 196 watts______________say 175lm/w now we go 196w x 179 lm/a = 35,000 lumens
THEN I build two of these for a 3x3 and runs 392 watts= 70k lumens_____
OR I turn down the POTs will let me back down to 325w

I already have the drivers just need to buy a few more EB2 and a few $4.5 heatsinks...

Ideally a light with a total of 14 strips but TWO 7 strip banks interwoven (14 in all) so I can turn one driver off and still have 196w across the 3x3 for Veg.

I will say thank you in advance.
I actually inadvertently lied to you.
I don't have an identical fixture.
I have 7x BXEB Gen2 3500K 560mm running on a HLG-185H-C1400B on. 2x2 aluminum u chanel frame.
Two sections of those, will be plenty for 3x3.
Mr. Chip Green___I actually inadvertently lied to you.?
Incorrect sir!
***NO lie occurred- because you never intended to deceive me____ You answered the first part of the question (my 7 strips on the driver)---:hump:-I added the second 7 strips.

______I bought two of the Samsung strips of the these that I will also be adding BUT on a single small driver....

30mm x 400mm (approximately 1.2" x 16") PCB
600mA - 900 mA per strip
48 Red (36 - 660nm Deep Red and 12 - 730nm Far Red IR) LEDs per strip
18-24 watts per board
Double mounted push-in connectors
Thermal conductivity coefficient of 1.5
2 oz. of RA copper

______looking to run__
Jacks 3-2-1 rendition...
plus Fulvic ? (undecided on brand)
BioAg Ful-Power?
diffrent soluble fulvic

and at the flip____ MPK
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