Newbie with possible Nutrient problem???


Have a problem with my babies, leaves drying up and turning yellow, tips are curling up.

1) Indoor grow
2) Grown in clay
3) They are in there second week of flower
4) Temp 25C during the lights on
5) EC at 2.0 / Ph has fluctuated every day it go's up, plants using a bit of water, I try to keep it at 6.0

Here are some pics of some leaves.

Any help appreciated thanks



Looks kinda like a nute burn to me, my leaves yellow completely before dying when I start to flower, there is no green at all when they are about to fall off, which from what I understand is what a Nitro deficiency does. Do you notice any burning on the very tips of new growth? If so, that is definitley an over fert situation.


Looks kinda like a nute burn to me, my leaves yellow completely before dying when I start to flower, there is no green at all when they are about to fall off, which from what I understand is what a Nitro deficiency does. Do you notice any burning on the very tips of new growth? If so, that is definitley an over fert situation.

Yes is it occuring on my new growth, thanks for the hand.