Newbie tincture question

Question: IYO, can I make it stronger or am I wasting weed.

Details: I grew for the first time last summer (Blue Dream, outdoors) and it was amazing. The seed producer claims 19% THC but who knows. I made a green dragon tincture with 30g of flower and 30g of quality trim (decarbed) in 700 ml of 95% ethanol. Steeped and shaken daily for a month (not frozen). I've seen all sorts of ratios about how much weed with how much alcohol but no consensus so i just guessed.

I understand the strength/effect is very subjective. I'm just looking for opinions on whether I could have made it stronger or if adding more weed would have been a waste.




Well-Known Member
Only way to know for sure is to dry the leftover flowers and eat some, if you get high there was some fire left in it

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
To make really potent tincture
turn plant matter into hash then hash into tincture
Potency also depends on maturity of harvest


Well-Known Member
Your potency is approx. 16mg/thc per ml. That's twenty drops. I'd start with that dosage and work my way up or down. You don't want to "green out."
It's a bit unpleasant.