Newbie that has some succes due to luck more then skill :)


New Member
Hi !

I have just started growing my nown stuff after 25 years of being a stoner... I have had some succes and made a some awesome White widow in my first try according to the other smokers in my town... But right now I´m running some of the new auto strains to compare how much less potent the autos are or if it is worth the shorten time from seed to harvest..

I have read some threads and have understood that here is so many experts so this will be my place to go for learning from some of the best growers as I see it...

So in advance I appologise for my noob questions that I will ask and hope you guys remember that you also was noob growers once you started . lol

Anyway , happy to be here and hope to get to know and talk to all you awesome people in this community !!

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
welcome! congrats on a successful first time, you should find it much easier from now on, and have fun experimenting with different methods and fertilizers :)

if you have questions or problems, feel free to ask! this site can be a bit harsh on new growers who want their hands held, but if you've done some basic reading and have a decent feel for what you're doing, you should find help quickly and generously. ;)

make sure you share pictures; we like to see what you're talking about :D

as for auto, some are very decent! breeding has certainly made ruderalis more worthy than it was in the past. if you decide to try some, i recommend you start a journal. that's a good way to get feedback and make friends.

again, welcome, i hope you enjoy your time here! :mrgreen: