Newbie - Sex and Yield


This is my first grow. I posted a thread last week and was helped in determining that I had some male plants. I have removed them (5) and I have 9 remaining. They range in height from 13 inches to 28 inches. I have had them on 12/12 for 2 weeks and now all 9 have these hairy buds sprouting on them. I have included a pic of one of them. Are these females and if so then what type of yeild should I expect from each or the lot? Thanks in advance.



New Member
Yipp thats a female, yield is to hard to say, just enjoy your grow learn from them, when you give enough love ''not to much'' you get a nice reward.


How long will it be before these plants can be harvested. I'm guessing a couple of months. Is that wrong? Also, Is there any thing I can do now to increse the output?

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
If they all look like that you have girls, congrats! They look indica to me, I'd say 6-8 more weeks, possibly a bit longer depending on the strain.
Yield is more or less impossible to gauge at this stage, there are just so many genetic and environmental factors to consider. Strain, size/age they started flowering, nutrients, if/how they are trained, temperature, co2 levels, not to mention light levels will all make a difference.
Just be glad of what you get, and try to hone your technique to increase yield over time.
Happy growing!